(= GitHub ORGanizationS) is a small tool initially used to list GitHub projects and users belonging to SonyMobile organizational account at github.com/SonyMobile, but is extended to work with any organizational account.
It uses GitHub's GraphQL API (v4) to query for repositories and users belonging to an organization and then writes the output into a csv files. It uses GitHub's REST-like API (v3) to delete repositories and remove users.
- The project is written in go, so you have to set up go environment.
- The bare minimum is to have the latest installation of go for your environment.
- url: URL to GitHub API, should be https://api.github.com/
- That way both v3 and v4 API are internally differentiated.
- user: username required for
git clone
inghorgs archive
command - token: String security token used on Github. Required GitHub scopes covered by token are:
- user,
- public_repo,
- delete_repo
- repo,
- repo_deployment,
- repo:status,
- read:repo_hook,
- read:org,
- read:public_key,
- read:gpg_key
- organization: Organizational account which is being analyzed
- per_page: Integer denoting the number of items listed in paged output
- time_out: Seconds until connection is abandoned
- gql files are GraphQL queries used for testing in Explore mode on GitHub
- json files are GraphQL queries translated to json format required by GitHub's v4 API:
"query": "<literal GraphQL query from gql file>"
Current dependencies are to cobra
(https://github.com/spf13/cobra) and
Make sure you run:
go get github.com/spf13/cobra
and go get github.com/spf13/viper
respectively to get the dependencies.
Also, upon modification of module, re-init the module
with go mod init
, which will recreate the go.mod and go.sum files.
cp pre-commit .git/hooks
to set up pre-commit hook. Make sure to havegolangci-lint
installed. See https://golangci-lint.run/ .
go install
ghorgs [command]
Available Commands:
archive Archive GitHub repositories according to given criteria.
backup Backup GitHub repositories according to given criteria.
dump Dumps the requested entities into a csv file.
help Help about any command
remove Remove GitHub users according to given criteria.
version prints version of ghorgs tool
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run of the command without actually executing it in the end.
-h, --help help for ghorgs
-o, --organization string Organizational account on GitHub analyzed.
-t, --token string Security token used on Github. Overrides the token from configuration file.
Required GitHub scopes covered by a single token in the config file are:
- user,
- delete_repo,
- public_repo,
- repo,
- repo_deployment,
- repo:status,
- read:repo_hook,
- read:org,
- read:public_key,
- read:gpg_key.
Individual commands don't require all the scopes, so different tokens can be
used in the command line for different commands.
-u, --user string User name of the owner of token. (Needed with 'git clone'.)
-v, --verbose Toggle debug printouts.
Use "ghorgs [command] --help" for more information about a command.
Dumps the requested entities into a csv file.
ghorgs dump [flags]
-b, --by string Name of the entity field to use for sorting the result of the dump.
If empty, default sort on GitHub is creation date.
-e, --entities string 'all' for full dump or comma separated list of one or more of:
users, repos, teams. (default "all")
-h, --help help for dump
Global Flags:
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run of the command without actually executing it in the end.
-o, --organization string Organizational account on GitHub analyzed.
-t, --token string Security token used on Github. Overrides the token from configuration file.
Required GitHub scopes covered by a single token in the config file are:
- user,
- delete_repo,
- public_repo,
- repo,
- repo_deployment,
- repo:status,
- read:repo_hook,
- read:org,
- read:public_key,
- read:gpg_key.
Individual commands don't require all the scopes, so different tokens can be
used in the command line for different commands.
-u, --user string User name of the owner of token. (Needed with 'git clone'.)
-v, --verbose Toggle debug printouts.
Remove GitHub repositories according to given criteria and archive to a given folder. Uses v4 API for caching, v3 API for 'delete repository' operation.
ghorgs archive [flags]
-h, --help help for archive
-n, --n int Number of repositories to archive.
* If --n is used together with --since, then the result is:
"the number --n of repositories to archive --since point in time - whichever comes first."
* If used alone, then the result is:
"the least active number of repositories to archive".
NOTE: It will be ignored if used with --repos.
(default 1)
-O, --out string Output folder where archives of repositories are recorded. (default ".")
-q, --quiet DO NOT ask user for confirmation.(Use with care, e.g. in scripts where interaction is minimal or impossible.)
-r, --repos string Comma separated list of repositories to archive.
* Name can contain alphanumeric and special characters '_', '.' and '-'.
* If --repos is used with --since, then the result is:
"archive the repositories from --repos list if they have been inactive --since this point in time.
NOTE: --n will be ignored if used with --repos.
-s, --since string Remove repositories inactive since this date (YYYY-MM-DD).
* If --since is used together with --n, then the result is:
"the number --n of repositories to archive --since point in time - whichever comes first."
* If --since is used together with --repos, then the result is:
"archive the repositories from --repos list if they have been inactive --since this point in time".
Global Flags:
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run of the command without actually executing it in the end.
-o, --organization string Organizational account on GitHub analyzed.
-t, --token string Security token used on Github. Overrides the token from configuration file.
Required GitHub scopes covered by a single token in the config file are:
- user,
- delete_repo,
- public_repo,
- repo,
- repo_deployment,
- repo:status,
- read:repo_hook,
- read:org,
- read:public_key,
- read:gpg_key.
Individual commands don't require all the scopes, so different tokens can be
used in the command line for different commands.
-u, --user string User name of the owner of token. (Needed with 'git clone'.)
-v, --verbose Toggle debug printouts.
Download GitHub repositories according to given criteria and save a tar.gz file to a given folder.
ghorgs backup [flags]
-h, --help help for archive
-n, --n int Number of repositories to backup.
* If --n is used together with --since, then the result is:
"the number --n of repositories to backup --since point in time - whichever comes first."
* If used alone, then the result is:
"the most active number of repositories to backup".
NOTE: It will be ignored if used with --repos.
(default 1)
-O, --out string Output folder where archives of repositories are recorded. (default ".")
-q, --quiet DO NOT ask user for confirmation.(Use with care, e.g. in scripts where interaction is minimal or impossible.)
-r, --repos string Comma separated list of repositories to backup.
* Name can contain alphanumeric and special characters '_', '.' and '-'.
* If --repos is used with --since, then the result is:
"back up the repositories from --repos list if they have been active --since this point in time.
NOTE: --n will be ignored if used with --repos.
-s, --since string Backup repositories active since this date (YYYY-MM-DD).
* If --since is used together with --n, then the result is:
"the number --n of repositories to backup --since point in time - whichever comes first."
* If --since is used together with --repos, then the result is:
"backup the repositories from --repos list if they have been active --since this point in time".
Global Flags:
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run of the command without actually executing it in the end.
-o, --organization string Organizational account on GitHub analyzed.
-t, --token string Security token used on Github. Overrides the token from configuration file.
Required GitHub scopes covered by a single token in the config file are:
- user,
- delete_repo,
- public_repo,
- repo,
- repo_deployment,
- repo:status,
- read:repo_hook,
- read:org,
- read:public_key,
- read:gpg_key.
Individual commands don't require all the scopes, so different tokens can be
used in the command line for different commands.
-u, --user string User name of the owner of token. (Needed with 'git clone'.)
-v, --verbose Toggle debug printouts.
Remove GitHub users according to given criteria. Uses v4 API for caching, v3 API for 'remove user' operation.
ghorgs remove [flags]
-m, --MFA Remove users without MFA set up.
-a, --access Remove users without access to any repository owned by the organization.
-c, --company Remove users without company affiliation.
-h, --help help for remove
-q, --quiet DO NOT ask user for confirmation. (Use with care, e.g. in scripts where interaction is minimal or impossible.)
-r, --users string Comma separated list of users to remove. Name can contain alphanumeric and special characters '_', '.' and '-'.
Global Flags:
-d, --dry-run Perform a dry run of the command without actually executing it in the end.
-o, --organization string Organizational account on GitHub analyzed.
-t, --token string Security token used on Github. Overrides the token from configuration file.
Required GitHub scopes covered by a single token in the config file are:
- user,
- delete_repo,
- public_repo,
- repo,
- repo_deployment,
- repo:status,
- read:repo_hook,
- read:org,
- read:public_key,
- read:gpg_key.
Individual commands don't require all the scopes, so different tokens can be
used in the command line for different commands.
-u, --user string User name of the owner of token. (Needed with 'git clone'.)
-v, --verbose Toggle debug printouts.
Thanks for wishing to contribute to this small project. Please feel free to submit an issue or create a Merge Request.
If it's your first code contribution, please add your name to AUTHORS file in alphabetical order.
Licensed under the LICENSE.