
Haxball - Headless Host BOT on docker

Primary LanguageShell

Haxball - Headless Host - docker

Docker Cloud Image Repo Docker Cloud Automated build Docker Cloud Build Status

This is a simple container that creates a permanent room in the haxball game. Based on the HaxBall Headless Host and Haxroomie tool which you can find at this link https://github.com/morko/haxroomie


  • ROOMNAME type: string, default: haxball

The name for the room.

  • AUTOSTART type: bool, default: true

Set to true if you want the room to start on startup

  • BOTNAME type: string, default: Bot

The name for the host BOT

  • MAXPLAYERS type: int, default: 12

Max number of players the room accepts.

  • PUBLIC bool, default: false

If true the room will appear in the room list.

  • TOKEN type: string, NOdefault, REQUIRED

You must give the token needed to open the rooms in the config. Generate URL: https://www.haxball.com/headlesstoken

  • ADMINPASS type: string, default: password123

Set admin password to get admin priviledges with !auth admin ADMINPASS

  • HOSTPASS type: string, default: password123

Set host password to get host priviledges with !auth host HOSTPASS

  • GEOCODE type: string, default: PL

The code is a country code in two letter ISO format listed in https://countrycode.org/.

  • GEOLAT type: string, default: 52.5192
  • GEOLON type: string, default:r 17.038538

Geolocation override for the room. You can use https://www.latlong.net/ to find the coordinates easily.

How to run with docker-compose

Generate haxball token auth https://www.haxball.com/headlesstoken

Create simple file docker-compose.yml and fill it.

version: '3.4'

    image: ox1de/haxball
    network_mode: "host"
    stdin_open: true
    tty: true
      - TOKEN=SET_TOKEN # Visit https://www.haxball.com/rs/api/getheadlesstoken

And run container docker-compose up -d To get room link look to container logs docker-compose logs -f, you get similar output:

LOADING CONFIG from /root/.haxroomie/config.js
ROOM STARTED YOUR_ROOM_NAME - https://www.haxball.com/play?c=jniwehr23L13 <--- COPY YOUR LINK AND PLAY WITH FRIENDS ;) 
sav/players (enabled)
haxball_1  | sav/roles (enabled)
haxball_1  | sav/commands (enabled)
haxball_1  | sav/help (enabled)
haxball_1  | sav/chat (enabled)
haxball_1  | hr/always-one-admin (enabled)
haxball_1  | hr/kickban (enabled)

You can easily edit the room settings by changing or adding variables to the docker-compose file, after the changes you just need to restart container docker-compose restart