Bootstrap 3 IntelliJ Plugin

An IntelliJ plugin containing Bootstrap 3 live templates - lots of live templates! This plugin works for the following JetBrains products:

  • IntelliJ IDEA
  • WebStorm and PhpStorm
  • PyCharm
  • RubyMine

Plugin in action

Feel free to let me know what else you want added via the issues.

Suggestions, feedback and other comments welcome via @epragt on Twitter.

Installation (in 3 easy steps)

To install the plugin open your editor (IntelliJ) and hit:

  1. File > Settings > Plugins and click on the Browse repositories button.

  2. Look for Bootstrap 3 the right click and select Download plugin.

  3. Finally hit the Apply button, agree to restart your IDE and you're all done!


To use the plugin, open an editor, and start typing bs3-, followed by pressing CMD+J. A list of templates will show up. Alternatively, you can type e.g. alert, followed by CMD+J, to immediately show only the alert templates.

What's new

Since 2.2.1 (7 Jan 2016)

Since 2.2 (14 Dec 2015)

  • upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.6

Since 2.1 (22 Jul 2015)

Since 2.0 (26 May 2015)

  • Jade support
  • Small bugfixes

Thanks Paweł Jedwabny, Lihai Ben-Haim and Oscar Batlle!

Since 1.9.1 (24 March 2015)

Since 1.9 (24 March 2015)

  • upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.4

Since 1.8.1 (9 March 2015)

  • Removed duplicated meta tag in bs3-template:html5 live template thanks to oscarbatlle!

Since 1.8 (15 February 2015)

  • added all the icons of Font Awesome thanks to pixsrv!

Since 1.7 (29 January 2015)

  • upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.2

Since 1.6 (15 January 2015)

Added more templates:

  • added container fluid, thanks to Emin Şen

Since 1.5 (5 December 2014):

Added more templates:

  • media list
  • responsive embed

Since 1.4 (13 Nov 2014):

Added more templates:

  • dismissable-alert
  • alert-link
  • progress-bars
  • well

Also: Removed the 'OTHER' context, added JSP and GSP context. Upgraded to Bootstrap 3.3.1

Since 1.3 (18 Oct 2014):

Added more templates:

  • bs3-button-group
  • bs3-button-group:vertical
  • bs3-button-toolbar
  • bs3-button:dropdown
  • bs3-pills
  • bs3-pills:dropdown
  • bs3-pills:justified
  • bs3-pills:vertical
  • bs3-tabs
  • bs3-tabs:dropdown
  • bs3-tabs:justified

Since 1.2 (4 Oct 2014):

Added more templates:

  • bs3-feature:carousel-rows,
  • bs3-feature:image-card-with-description Thanks to Alexander Mahrt

Since 1.1 (1 Oct 2014):

Form Fields. These are part form, part fields, and can be used to generate a form very easily.

  • bs3-form-field:button
  • bs3-form-field:checkbox
  • bs3-form-field:text
  • bs3-form-field:time

Also: updated examples to version 3.2.0 of Bootstrap and 1.11.1 of JQuery

What's included - contents


Component Snippet code Context
Alert bs3-alert HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Alert with alert link (warning) bs3-alert-link HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Alert (Danger) bs3-alert:danger HTML
Alert (Info) bs3-alert:info HTML
Alert (Success) bs3-alert:success HTML
Alert (Warning) bs3-alert:warning HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Badge bs3-badge HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Breadcrumbs bs3-breadcrumbs HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Button group bs3-button-group HTML
Button group (Vertical orientation) bs3-button-group:vertical HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Button toolbar bs3-button-toolbar HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Full dropdown example bs3-button:dropdown HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Bootstrap 3 CSS & JS CDN bs3-cdn HTML
Bootstrap 3 CSS CDN bs3-cdn:css HTML
Bootstrap 3 JavaScript CDN bs3-cdn:js HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Checkbox Input Field bs3-checkbox HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Clearfix bs3-clearfix HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Column 1 bs3-col:1 HTML
Column 10 bs3-col:10 HTML
Column 11 bs3-col:11 HTML
Column 12 bs3-col:12 HTML
Column 2 bs3-col:2 HTML
Column 3 bs3-col:3 HTML
Column 4 bs3-col:4 HTML
Column 5 bs3-col:5 HTML
Column 6 bs3-col:6 HTML
Column 7 bs3-col:7 HTML
Column 8 bs3-col:8 HTML
Column 9 bs3-col:9 HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Container bs3-container HTML
Container Fluid bs3-container:fluid HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Dismissable alert (danger) bs3-dismissable-alert:danger HTML
Dismissable alert (info) bs3-dismissable-alert:info HTML
Dismissable alert (success) bs3-dismissable-alert:success HTML
Dismissable alert (warning) bs3-dismissable-alert:warning HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Carousel Rows bs3-feature:carousel-rows HTML
Carousel Rows bs3-feature:carousel-rows-css CSS
Beautiful image card with description bs3-feature:image-card-with-description HTML
Beautiful image card with description bs3-feature:image-card-with-description-css CSS
Thumbnail in gallery bs3-feature:thumbnail HTML
Thumbnail gallery bs3-feature:thumbnail-gallery HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Form bs3-form HTML


Component Snippet code Context
No description bs3-form-field:button HTML
No description bs3-form-field:checkbox HTML
No description bs3-form-field:text HTML
No description bs3-form-field:time HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Form (Horizontal) bs3-form:horizontal HTML
Form (Inline) bs3-form:inline HTML
Form (Label) bs3-form:label HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Font Awesome Icon bs3-icon HTML
Glyphicon bs3-icon:glyphicon HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Image bs3-image HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Input (Form Input) bs3-input HTML
Horizontal Form Input Field bs3-input:h HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Jumbotron bs3-jumbotron HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Label bs3-label HTML
Label (Danger) bs3-label:danger HTML
Label (Default) bs3-label:default HTML
Label (Info) bs3-label:info HTML
Label (Success) bs3-label:success HTML
Label (Warning) bs3-label:warning HTML


Component Snippet code Context
List group bs3-list-group HTML
List group with Badges bs3-list-group:badges HTML
List Group with Content bs3-list-group:content HTML
Linked List Group bs3-list-group:linked HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Media object (single entry) bs3-media-object HTML
Example media object bs3-media-object:example HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Modal Dialog Box bs3-modal HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Navbar bs3-navbar HTML
Navbar (Basic) bs3-navbar:basic HTML
Navbar (Brand) bs3-navbar:brand HTML
Navbar (Fixed Bottom) bs3-navbar:fixed-bottom HTML
Navbar (Fixed Top) bs3-navbar:fixed-top HTML
Navbar (Form) bs3-navbar:form HTML
Navbar (Inverse) bs3-navbar:inverse HTML
Navbar (Link) bs3-navbar:link HTML
Navbar (Links) bs3-navbar:links HTML
Navbar (Responsive) bs3-navbar:responsive HTML
Navbar (Static Top) bs3-navbar:static-top HTML
Navbar (Text) bs3-navbar:text HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Page Header bs3-page-header HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Pager bs3-pager HTML
Pager (Aligned) bs3-pager:aligned HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Pagination bs3-pagination HTML
Pagination (Large) bs3-pagination:large HTML
Pagination (Small) bs3-pagination:small HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Panel bs3-panel HTML
Panel (Danger) bs3-panel:danger HTML
Panel with footer bs3-panel:footer HTML
Panel with heading bs3-panel:heading HTML
Panel (Info) bs3-panel:info HTML
Panel (Primary) bs3-panel:primary HTML
Panel (Success) bs3-panel:success HTML
Panel with table bs3-panel:table HTML
Panel (Warning) bs3-panel:warning HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Pills bs3-pills HTML
Pills (With dropdown menu) bs3-pills:dropdown HTML
Pills (Justified) bs3-pills:justified HTML
Pills (Vertical) bs3-pills:vertical HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Basic progress bar bs3-progress-bar HTML
Progress bar (danger) bs3-progress-bar:danger HTML
Progress bar (info) bs3-progress-bar:info HTML
Progress bar with label bs3-progress-bar:label HTML
Stacked progress bar bs3-progress-bar:stacked HTML
Striped progress bar bs3-progress-bar:striped HTML
Animated striped progress bar bs3-progress-bar:striped-animated HTML
Progress bar (success) bs3-progress-bar:success HTML
Progress bar (warning) bs3-progress-bar:warning HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Radio Form Field bs3-radio HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Responsive embed of video (16:9) bs3-responsive-embed:16:9 HTML
Responsive embed of video (4:3) bs3-responsive-embed:4:3 HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Row bs3-row HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Select Box Form Field bs3-select HTML
Horizontal Form Select Box Field bs3-select:h HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Submit Button for Form bs3-submit HTML
Submit Button for Horizontal Forms bs3-submit:h HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Table bs3-table HTML
Table (Bordered) bs3-table:bordered HTML
Table (Condensed) bs3-table:condensed HTML
Table (Hover) bs3-table:hover HTML
Table (Responsive) bs3-table:responsive HTML
Table (Striped) bs3-table:striped HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Tabs bs3-tabs HTML
Tabs (With dropdown menu) bs3-tabs:dropdown HTML
Tabs (Justified) bs3-tabs:justified HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Bootstrap 3 HTML5 Template bs3-template:html5 HTML
Bootstrap 3 Starter Template bs3-template:starter HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Thumbnail bs3-thumbnail HTML
Thumbnail with content bs3-thumbnail:content HTML


Component Snippet code Context
Well bs3-well HTML
Well (large) bs3-well:large HTML
Well (small) bs3-well:small HTML

Font Awesome

This list has been contributed by pixsrv

Component Snippet code Context
Adjust icon fa-adjust HTML
Anchor icon fa-anchor HTML
Archive icon fa-archive HTML
Area-chart icon fa-area-chart HTML
Arrows icon fa-arrows HTML
Arrows-h icon fa-arrows-h HTML
Arrows-v icon fa-arrows-v HTML
Asterisk icon fa-asterisk HTML
At icon fa-at HTML
Automobile icon fa-automobile HTML
Ban icon fa-ban HTML
Bank icon fa-bank HTML
Bar-chart icon fa-bar-chart HTML
Bar-chart-o icon fa-bar-chart-o HTML
Barcode icon fa-barcode HTML
Bars icon fa-bars HTML
Beer icon fa-beer HTML
Bell icon fa-bell HTML
Bell-o icon fa-bell-o HTML
Bell-slash icon fa-bell-slash HTML
Bell-slash-o icon fa-bell-slash-o HTML
Bicycle icon fa-bicycle HTML
Binoculars icon fa-binoculars HTML
Birthday-cake icon fa-birthday-cake HTML
Bolt icon fa-bolt HTML
Bomb icon fa-bomb HTML
Book icon fa-book HTML
Bookmark icon fa-bookmark HTML
Bookmark-o icon fa-bookmark-o HTML
Briefcase icon fa-briefcase HTML
Bug icon fa-bug HTML
Building icon fa-building HTML
Building-o icon fa-building-o HTML
Bullhorn icon fa-bullhorn HTML
Bullseye icon fa-bullseye HTML
Bus icon fa-bus HTML
Cab icon fa-cab HTML
Calculator icon fa-calculator HTML
Calendar icon fa-calendar HTML
Calendar-o icon fa-calendar-o HTML
Camera icon fa-camera HTML
Camera-retro icon fa-camera-retro HTML
Car icon fa-car HTML
Caret-square-o-down icon fa-caret-square-o-down HTML
Caret-square-o-left icon fa-caret-square-o-left HTML
Caret-square-o-right icon fa-caret-square-o-right HTML
Caret-square-o-up icon fa-caret-square-o-up HTML
Cc icon fa-cc HTML
Certificate icon fa-certificate HTML
Check icon fa-check HTML
Check-circle icon fa-check-circle HTML
Check-circle-o icon fa-check-circle-o HTML
Check-square icon fa-check-square HTML
Check-square-o icon fa-check-square-o HTML
Child icon fa-child HTML
Circle icon fa-circle HTML
Circle-o icon fa-circle-o HTML
Circle-o-notch icon fa-circle-o-notch HTML
Circle-thin icon fa-circle-thin HTML
Clock-o icon fa-clock-o HTML
Close icon fa-close HTML
Cloud icon fa-cloud HTML
Cloud-download icon fa-cloud-download HTML
Cloud-upload icon fa-cloud-upload HTML
Code icon fa-code HTML
Code-fork icon fa-code-fork HTML
Coffee icon fa-coffee HTML
Cog icon fa-cog HTML
Cogs icon fa-cogs HTML
Comment icon fa-comment HTML
Comment-o icon fa-comment-o HTML
Comments icon fa-comments HTML
Comments-o icon fa-comments-o HTML
Compass icon fa-compass HTML
Copyright icon fa-copyright HTML
Credit-card icon fa-credit-card HTML
Crop icon fa-crop HTML
Crosshairs icon fa-crosshairs HTML
Cube icon fa-cube HTML
Cubes icon fa-cubes HTML
Cutlery icon fa-cutlery HTML
Dashboard icon fa-dashboard HTML
Database icon fa-database HTML
Desktop icon fa-desktop HTML
Dot-circle-o icon fa-dot-circle-o HTML
Download icon fa-download HTML
Edit icon fa-edit HTML
Ellipsis-h icon fa-ellipsis-h HTML
Ellipsis-v icon fa-ellipsis-v HTML
Envelope icon fa-envelope HTML
Envelope-o icon fa-envelope-o HTML
Envelope-square icon fa-envelope-square HTML
Eraser icon fa-eraser HTML
Exchange icon fa-exchange HTML
Exclamation icon fa-exclamation HTML
Exclamation-circle icon fa-exclamation-circle HTML
Exclamation-triangle icon fa-exclamation-triangle HTML
External-link icon fa-external-link HTML
External-link-square icon fa-external-link-square HTML
Eye icon fa-eye HTML
Eye-slash icon fa-eye-slash HTML
Eyedropper icon fa-eyedropper HTML
Fax icon fa-fax HTML
Female icon fa-female HTML
Fighter-jet icon fa-fighter-jet HTML
File-archive-o icon fa-file-archive-o HTML
File-audio-o icon fa-file-audio-o HTML
File-code-o icon fa-file-code-o HTML
File-excel-o icon fa-file-excel-o HTML
File-image-o icon fa-file-image-o HTML
File-movie-o icon fa-file-movie-o HTML
File-pdf-o icon fa-file-pdf-o HTML
File-photo-o icon fa-file-photo-o HTML
File-picture-o icon fa-file-picture-o HTML
File-powerpoint-o icon fa-file-powerpoint-o HTML
File-sound-o icon fa-file-sound-o HTML
File-video-o icon fa-file-video-o HTML
File-word-o icon fa-file-word-o HTML
File-zip-o icon fa-file-zip-o HTML
Film icon fa-film HTML
Filter icon fa-filter HTML
Fire icon fa-fire HTML
Fire-extinguisher icon fa-fire-extinguisher HTML
Flag icon fa-flag HTML
Flag-checkered icon fa-flag-checkered HTML
Flag-o icon fa-flag-o HTML
Flash icon fa-flash HTML
Flask icon fa-flask HTML
Folder icon fa-folder HTML
Folder-o icon fa-folder-o HTML
Folder-open icon fa-folder-open HTML
Folder-open-o icon fa-folder-open-o HTML
Frown-o icon fa-frown-o HTML
Futbol-o icon fa-futbol-o HTML
Gamepad icon fa-gamepad HTML
Gavel icon fa-gavel HTML
Gear icon fa-gear HTML
Gears icon fa-gears HTML
Gift icon fa-gift HTML
Glass icon fa-glass HTML
Globe icon fa-globe HTML
Graduation-cap icon fa-graduation-cap HTML
Group icon fa-group HTML
Hdd-o icon fa-hdd-o HTML
Headphones icon fa-headphones HTML
Heart icon fa-heart HTML
Heart-o icon fa-heart-o HTML
History icon fa-history HTML
Home icon fa-home HTML
Image icon fa-image HTML
Inbox icon fa-inbox HTML
Info icon fa-info HTML
Info-circle icon fa-info-circle HTML
Institution icon fa-institution HTML
Key icon fa-key HTML
Keyboard-o icon fa-keyboard-o HTML
Language icon fa-language HTML
Laptop icon fa-laptop HTML
Leaf icon fa-leaf HTML
Legal icon fa-legal HTML
Lemon-o icon fa-lemon-o HTML
Level-down icon fa-level-down HTML
Level-up icon fa-level-up HTML
Life-bouy icon fa-life-bouy HTML
Life-buoy icon fa-life-buoy HTML
Life-ring icon fa-life-ring HTML
Life-saver icon fa-life-saver HTML
Lightbulb-o icon fa-lightbulb-o HTML
Line-chart icon fa-line-chart HTML
Location-arrow icon fa-location-arrow HTML
Lock icon fa-lock HTML
Magic icon fa-magic HTML
Magnet icon fa-magnet HTML
Mail-forward icon fa-mail-forward HTML
Mail-reply icon fa-mail-reply HTML
Mail-reply-all icon fa-mail-reply-all HTML
Male icon fa-male HTML
Map-marker icon fa-map-marker HTML
Meh-o icon fa-meh-o HTML
Microphone icon fa-microphone HTML
Microphone-slash icon fa-microphone-slash HTML
Minus icon fa-minus HTML
Minus-circle icon fa-minus-circle HTML
Minus-square icon fa-minus-square HTML
Minus-square-o icon fa-minus-square-o HTML
Mobile icon fa-mobile HTML
Mobile-phone icon fa-mobile-phone HTML
Money icon fa-money HTML
Moon-o icon fa-moon-o HTML
Mortar-board icon fa-mortar-board HTML
Music icon fa-music HTML
Navicon icon fa-navicon HTML
Newspaper-o icon fa-newspaper-o HTML
Paint-brush icon fa-paint-brush HTML
Paper-plane icon fa-paper-plane HTML
Paper-plane-o icon fa-paper-plane-o HTML
Paw icon fa-paw HTML
Pencil icon fa-pencil HTML
Pencil-square icon fa-pencil-square HTML
Pencil-square-o icon fa-pencil-square-o HTML
Phone icon fa-phone HTML
Phone-square icon fa-phone-square HTML
Photo icon fa-photo HTML
Picture-o icon fa-picture-o HTML
Pie-chart icon fa-pie-chart HTML
Plane icon fa-plane HTML
Plug icon fa-plug HTML
Plus icon fa-plus HTML
Plus-circle icon fa-plus-circle HTML
Plus-square icon fa-plus-square HTML
Plus-square-o icon fa-plus-square-o HTML
Power-off icon fa-power-off HTML
Print icon fa-print HTML
Puzzle-piece icon fa-puzzle-piece HTML
Qrcode icon fa-qrcode HTML
Question icon fa-question HTML
Question-circle icon fa-question-circle HTML
Quote-left icon fa-quote-left HTML
Quote-right icon fa-quote-right HTML
Random icon fa-random HTML
Recycle icon fa-recycle HTML
Refresh icon fa-refresh HTML
Remove icon fa-remove HTML
Reorder icon fa-reorder HTML
Reply icon fa-reply HTML
Reply-all icon fa-reply-all HTML
Retweet icon fa-retweet HTML
Road icon fa-road HTML
Rocket icon fa-rocket HTML
Rss icon fa-rss HTML
Rss-square icon fa-rss-square HTML
Search icon fa-search HTML
Search-minus icon fa-search-minus HTML
Search-plus icon fa-search-plus HTML
Send icon fa-send HTML
Send-o icon fa-send-o HTML
Share icon fa-share HTML
Share-alt icon fa-share-alt HTML
Share-alt-square icon fa-share-alt-square HTML
Share-square icon fa-share-square HTML
Share-square-o icon fa-share-square-o HTML
Shield icon fa-shield HTML
Shopping-cart icon fa-shopping-cart HTML
icon fa-sign-in HTML
Sign-out icon fa-sign-out HTML
Signal icon fa-signal HTML
Sitemap icon fa-sitemap HTML
Sliders icon fa-sliders HTML
Smile-o icon fa-smile-o HTML
Soccer-ball-o icon fa-soccer-ball-o HTML
Sort icon fa-sort HTML
Sort-alpha-asc icon fa-sort-alpha-asc HTML
Sort-alpha-desc icon fa-sort-alpha-desc HTML
Sort-amount-asc icon fa-sort-amount-asc HTML
Sort-amount-desc icon fa-sort-amount-desc HTML
Sort-asc icon fa-sort-asc HTML
Sort-desc icon fa-sort-desc HTML
Sort-down icon fa-sort-down HTML
Sort-numeric-asc icon fa-sort-numeric-asc HTML
Sort-numeric-desc icon fa-sort-numeric-desc HTML
Sort-up icon fa-sort-up HTML
Space-shuttle icon fa-space-shuttle HTML
Spinner icon fa-spinner HTML
Spoon icon fa-spoon HTML
Square icon fa-square HTML
Square-o icon fa-square-o HTML
Star icon fa-star HTML
Star-half icon fa-star-half HTML
Star-half-empty icon fa-star-half-empty HTML
Star-half-full icon fa-star-half-full HTML
Star-half-o icon fa-star-half-o HTML
Star-o icon fa-star-o HTML
Suitcase icon fa-suitcase HTML
Sun-o icon fa-sun-o HTML
Support icon fa-support HTML
Tablet icon fa-tablet HTML
Tachometer icon fa-tachometer HTML
Tag icon fa-tag HTML
Tags icon fa-tags HTML
Tasks icon fa-tasks HTML
Taxi icon fa-taxi HTML
Terminal icon fa-terminal HTML
Thumb-tack icon fa-thumb-tack HTML
Thumbs-down icon fa-thumbs-down HTML
Thumbs-o-down icon fa-thumbs-o-down HTML
Thumbs-o-up icon fa-thumbs-o-up HTML
Thumbs-up icon fa-thumbs-up HTML
Ticket icon fa-ticket HTML
Times icon fa-times HTML
Times-circle icon fa-times-circle HTML
Times-circle-o icon fa-times-circle-o HTML
Tint icon fa-tint HTML
Toggle-down icon fa-toggle-down HTML
Toggle-left icon fa-toggle-left HTML
Toggle-off icon fa-toggle-off HTML
Toggle-on icon fa-toggle-on HTML
Toggle-right icon fa-toggle-right HTML
Toggle-up icon fa-toggle-up HTML
Trash icon fa-trash HTML
Trash-o icon fa-trash-o HTML
Tree icon fa-tree HTML
Trophy icon fa-trophy HTML
Truck icon fa-truck HTML
Tty icon fa-tty HTML
Umbrella icon fa-umbrella HTML
University icon fa-university HTML
Unlock icon fa-unlock HTML
Unlock-alt icon fa-unlock-alt HTML
Unsorted icon fa-unsorted HTML
Upload icon fa-upload HTML
User icon fa-user HTML
Users icon fa-users HTML
Video-camera icon fa-video-camera HTML
Volume-down icon fa-volume-down HTML
Volume-off icon fa-volume-off HTML
Volume-up icon fa-volume-up HTML
Warning icon fa-warning HTML
Wheelchair icon fa-wheelchair HTML
Wifi icon fa-wifi HTML
Wrench icon fa-wrench HTML


Bootstrap 3 - IntelliJ Plugin is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.

This plugin is based on bootstrap-3-phpstorm-plugin by @JasonMortonNZ, who did all of the hard work of creating most of the templates.