
Easy to mock data based on thrift, no hard code data anymore!

Primary LanguageJavaScript


Easy to mock data based on thrift, no hard code data anymore!

You will not need to wirte mock-data any more, All data generate automatically by this mocker.


import ThriftMocker from 'thrift-mocker';

const thriftMocker = new ThriftMocker({
  service: "@path/to/your/file.thrift",
  models: [require("@path/to/your/model.thrift"), require("@path/to/your/another-model.thrift")],   // more than one model thrift file.
  mockData: {
    // if you really want to mock some specify method, go here! like the following:
    getSomeDataMethod: {
      // your data...
  commonData: {
    // some common data struct
    code: 200,
    message: "success"
  strictMode: true, // default false, will not check i64 for a number if strictMode is not true
  boundary: false, // generate data maybe really long, null, empty string, etc.
  cache: true,  // if not cache, will generate different data at each time. Your choice.
  serviceName: "YourSeviceName" // If your thrift service has more than one service, you have to indicate the service you need!
  treatArgumentsAsObject: true, // You can call your thrift method as Service.someMethod({arg1: value1, arg2: value2}); thrift definition like: string someMethod(1:someType arg1,2:someType arg2);
  typeLoose: true	    // will not check if your arguments are the exactly same as your thrift type, object type will accpet!

const result = await thriftMocker.exec('Reserved argument!', methodName, ...args);


In most application, your data have vast type of data, such as: img, url, text, number, price, percent, person name, goods name, etc. In such cases, you may want to make your data more reality ( even I don't think it's necessary ), you could change the generator by youself.
I promise I will provide a better way, maybe like an AI, to generate more reality data. Of course, in the future!