
Upload server for files, pastes, shortened urls, etc. made with ASP.NET Core 3.1 and Angular 8

Primary LanguageC#Apache License 2.0Apache-2.0


Build Status

UploadR is a simple server-side uploading service made with ASP.NET Core 3.1.


Anonymous requests

POST /api/account - Creates a new unverified account. Requires AccountCreateModel form.

GET /api/upload/{string|guid:filename}{string:password} - Gets an upload by its name or guid. Password can be specified if the file requires a password.

GET /api/shorten/{string:shortenedName}{string:password} - Redirects to the target of this shortened url.

Authenticated requests (Unverified)

POST /api/account/verify - Verifies an unverified account.

Authenticated requests (User)

DELETE /api/account{bool:cascade} - Deletes the current account.

PATCH /api/account/reset - Resets the current user's token.

POST /api/upload/ - Creates an upload. Requires UploadModel form.

DELETE /api/upload/{string|guid:filename} - Removes an upload by its name or guid.

DELETE /api/upload/ - Removes multiple uploads by their ids.

GET /api/upload/{string|guid:filename}/details - Gets an upload's details by its id or guid.

GET /api/upload/uploads - Gets details of every upload created by the current authenticated user.

POST /api/shorten/ - Creates a shortened url. Requires ShortenModel form.

DELETE /api/shorten/{string|guid:shortenedId} - Removes a shortened url by its name or guid.

GET /api/shorten/{string|guid:shortenedId}/details - Gets a shortened url's details by its name or guid.

GET /api/shorten/shortens - Gets details of every shortened url created by the current authenticated user.

Authenticated requests (Admin)

PATCH /api/account/{userId}/block - Blocks a user by its id.

PATCH /api/account/{userId}/unblock - Unblocks a user by its id.

PATCH /api/account/{userId}/reset - Resets a user's token.

DELETE /api/upload/{string|guid:filename} - Removes an upload by its name or guid.

GET /api/upload/{guid:userguid}/uploads - Gets details of every upload created by the given user guid.

DELETE /api/shorten/{string|guid:shortenedId} - Removes a shortened url by its name or guid.

GET /api/shorten/{guid:userguid}/shortens - Gets details of every shortened urls created by the given user guid.


In order to use UploadR, you need the following components:

  • ASP.NET Core 3.1
  • PostgreSQL Server
  • Angular 8


Use the pre-made file uploadr.json to create your configuration. This file must be in the same directory as the executable. You can also set an environment variable UPLOADR_PATH.

Database setup

Follow these instructions if you need help to setup your PostgreSQL database for UploadR.

  • Connect to your PostgreSQL database as a super-user.
  • Create a user. In our case, its name will be uploadr. Replace your_password by a strong password.
CREATE USER uploadr PASSWORD 'your_password';
  • Create a database. In our case, its name will be uploadr. Don't forget to change the owner name if you used something else than uploadr.

Database configuration

  • Hostname is the hostname of your PostgreSQL server. Default is localhost if it's ran locally.
  • Port is the port of your PostgreSQL server. Default is 5432.
  • Database is the name of the target PostgreSQL database that you created in Database Setup.
  • Username is the name of the user that you created in Database Setup.
  • Password is the password of the user that you created in Database Setup.

Using UploadR

You need Visual Studio 2019 or the .NET Core 3.1 SDK in order to build UploadR. If you are building from a terminal, use the following command:

dotnet publish -c Release -f netcoreapp3.1 -r [RUNTIME]

You can replace [RUNTIME] by either win-x64 or linux-x64 depending on the target operating system. See Microsoft documentation for .NET Core runtime if you have troubles.