
Flow chart of how this works Miro board: https://miro.com/app/board/uXjVN8cKiGo=/?share_link_id=396473428527


To demonstrate, do the following:

  • Clone the repo
  • Change the version in index.html and resources/hello-deploy.yaml
  • Push
git add .
git commit -m "feat: newer version"
git tag v1.0.8
git push origin --tags v1.0.8
git push
  • Github Actions will take care of building and pushing the image to Docker Hub.
  • ArgoCD will take care of deploying the new version to dev.
  • Make sure that all works ok in dev.
  • If you deem this version stable, and decide to upgrade prod, then simply change the image tag in https://github.com/k-candidate/hello-prod/blob/main/resources/hello-deploy.yaml and ArgoCD will take care of deploying the new image to prod.


  • Use trivy to scan the image for vulnerabilities and upload results to Security tab.
  • Add Autoscaling using KEDA.