
Deloitte Senior Design Project - UCF Spring 2019

Primary LanguagePython

Agile Central Command

An application that holds all features needed for the agile methodology that integrates with Jira

Getting Started

These instructions will get you a copy of the project up and running on your local machine for development and testing purposes.



  1. Clone project

  2. Install virtualenv (make sure you have pip on your machine)

    pip install virtualenv
  3. cd Group10-Agile-Command-Central-API

  4. virtualenv env -p python3

  5. source env/bin/activate

  6. pip install -r requirements.txt

  7. python manage.py migrate

  8. To run the app: python manage.py runserver

  9. You will see a portal to the project on terminal (something like

Pep8 Style Guide

MySQL (Linux)

  1. brew install mysql
  2. brew services start mysql
  3. mysql -uroot
  4. CREATE DATABASE agilecommandcentral CHARACTER SET UTF8;
  5. CREATE USER group10@localhost IDENTIFIED BY 'password';
  6. GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON agilecommandcentral.* TO group10@localhost;
  • From agilecommandcentral project directory, run
  1. python manage.py makemigrations
  2. python manage.py migrate
  3. python manage.py runserver

Running tests

  1. Coverage
    • Everytime you add some code to the project run this: coverage run --source ='.' manage.py test
    • Read coverage report: coverage report
  2. Jira shell
    • Play with Jira API: jirashell -s jira-board-url


How to deploy...

Built With

  • Django - Web framework
  • React - Front End
  • Jira API - Integration
  • AWS - Deployment
  • iOS - Mobile Development


  • Katherine Rosenfeld - Front End
  • Kyle Capehart - Database, AWS, Jira API
  • Lee Alan Wildes - AWS, Front End
  • Leonardo Araque - Mobile Development
  • Tuan Pham - Backend, REST API, Jira API