
Instructions for taking care of my cat for people when I go away.

Monty's Care Instructions

Hello! Thank you for making sure Monty doesn't die! I really appreciate it. He's probably ambivalent. Here's some info about looking after Monty.


True to his name, Montreal Steak Spice, he is a spicy boy. That spiciness is a mask, though, to hide how terrified he is all the time (same). He might seem confident but he's actually really scared around people. Here are some tips:

  • Let him approach you first.
  • Extend your hand, in front of his face, so he can sniff you before you engage with him.
  • He's used to my energy, so be chill.
  • He'll wag his tail when he's uncomfortable, which is typical. But also might stare at your hands when he's uncomfortable with your petting him.
  • He's pretty vocal, so if he sounds angry or annoyed, he probably is.
  • I am his favourite human, he'll be real sad I'm gone. He will try to run out the apartment door.
  • Toss him in my bedroom and close the door if he gets annoyed or annoying.


Patio: You can open the patio door to let the breeze in. He might be more spooked than normal, so be careful when you're moving. Also, close the door when he has the zoomies/is running like crazy

Window: You can open it a bit, but not too much (he's been eye-ing sneaking out sometimes). Close it when you leave.

Food & Water

Diet Food: Merrick's brand. He hates it. You can give him as much as he wants. He'll only eat it as a last resort.

Fav Food: Performatine brand or something. It's under the sink. Give him a little bit of it whenever he wants, or when you want him to love you.

Water: He has a fountain, but he prefers having water in his dish. You don't have to bend to his selfish whims.

Treats: They're in the knife drawer. Give him as many as you like, except of his Calming Treats (only give him one a day and break it up)

Litter/Personal Care

Litterbox: In the hallway closet.

Litterbox scoop: Next to the litter box, on the 'LitterLocker.' It's a big contraption with multiple parts.

How To: If he poops, do some scoops. Open the grey part of the LitterLocker top and put the scooped poop in it. Pull the grey tab on the front of the box for it to drop down the shoot. This eliminates smells quickly.

Urine: idk, if I'm gone really long, scoop it. If not, it could wait until I get back. The pine pellets will break down into sawdust when he pees on them. Your call.


His favourite toy is the Da Bird, without the bird. It's a long black stick with a little clip at the end of it. He will chase it if you drag it along the ground.

He also gets really aggressive with his "Kickaroo" which is a tube with a line of fur art the end of it. Probably avoid him around that.

Weird Monty Things

  1. He will try to poop in the bathtub. You can fill it with a bit of water and it'll stop him.
  2. Can't find him? Look above the counters over the fridge, or under the bed, or in the corner of the closet. (He's taken a liking to hanging out in the bathroom sink, too.)
  3. He likes to drink water from the faucet.


McKenzie Vet Clinic: (250) 727-2125