
This is a tool to sort the software listed in "awesome go" by the number of stars

Primary LanguageGoMIT LicenseMIT



This is a tool to sort the software listed in "awesome go" by the number of stars.
Output top 5 in order of star number.


$ go get -u github.com/k-kurikuri/sort-awesome-go-by-stars


You can find the name of the content in the awesome-go repository's readme. The command line argument must be set to the name of the content. content-name

Command Example

if the content name is "Audio and Music"

$ sort-awesome-go-by-stars "Audio and Music"

if the content name is "Command Line"

$ sort-awesome-go-by-stars "Command Line"


║ STAR  │              PACKAGE_URL              │                                                 DESCRIPTION                                                 ║
║ 10984 │ https://github.com/spf13/cobra        │ cobra - Commander for modern Go CLI interactions.                                                           ║
║ 10229 │ https://github.com/urfave/cli         │ urfave/cli - Simple, fast, and fun package for building command line apps in Go (formerly codegangsta/cli). ║
║ 2324  │ https://github.com/alecthomas/kingpin │ kingpin - Command line and flag parser supporting sub commands.                                             ║
║ 1311  │ https://github.com/chzyer/readline    │ readline - Pure golang implementation that provides most features in GNU-Readline under MIT license.        ║
║ 1311  │ https://github.com/jessevdk/go-flags  │ go-flags - go command line option parser.                                                                   ║
║       │                                       │                                                                                                Command Line ║