Swarm Clustering

Ants clustering items:

Ant Clustering

Linux Download

  1. Download the zip folder
  2. Unzip folder
  3. From a terminal navigate inside the zipped folder
  4. run from terminal: sudo chmod +x AntSwarm.x86_64
  5. run from terminal: ./AntSwarm.x86_64
  6. Choose the resolution settings you'd like and enjoy!

Windows Download

  1. Download the zip folder
  2. Unzip folder
  3. Open unzipped folder
  4. Double click on SwarmClustering.exe
  5. Choose the resolution settings you'd like and enjoy!


  • Mouse Movement - Looks around
  • W - Forward
  • S - Backward
  • A - Left
  • D - Right
  • Left Shift - Increase player movement speed
  • Up Arrow - Increase game speed
  • Down Arrow - Decrease game speed
  • Space Bar - Toggle ants
  • Escape - Quits