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Compile TypeScript in Grunt

Release Note


BasePath option has been deprecated. Method for determining an output directory has been changed in the same way as the TSC. Please re-set output directory with the new rootDir option or use keepDirectoryHierachy option.However, keepDirectoryHierachy option would not be available long.


You'll need to install grunt-typescript first:

npm install grunt-typescript --save-dev

or add the following line to devDependencies in your package.json

"grunt-typescript": "",

Then modify your Gruntfile.js file by adding the following line:


Then add some configuration for the plugin like so:

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      dest: 'where/you/want/your/js/files',
      options: {
        module: 'amd', //or commonjs
        target: 'es5', //or es3
        basePath: 'path/to/typescript/files',
        sourceMap: true,
        declaration: true

If you want to create a js file that is a concatenation of all the ts file (like -out option from tsc), you should specify the name of the file with the '.js' extension to dest option.

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      dest: 'where/you/want/your/js/file.js',
      options: {
        module: 'amd', //or commonjs


typescript options

name type description
noLib boolean Do not include a default lib.d.ts with global declarations
target string Specify ECMAScript target version: 'ES3' (default), 'ES5', or 'ES6'
module string Specify module code generation: "commonjs" (default), "amd", "system" or "umd"
sourceMap boolean Generates corresponding .map files
declaration boolean Generates corresponding .d.ts file
removeComments boolean Do not emit comments to output.
noImplicitAny boolean Warn on expressions and declarations with an implied 'any' type.
noResolve boolean Skip resolution and preprocessing.
preserveConstEnums boolean Do not erase const enum declarations in generated code.
noEmitOnError boolean Do not emit outputs if any type checking errors were reported.The default for this option is set to true for backwards compatibility.
suppressImplicitAnyIndexErrors boolean Suppress noImplicitAny errors for indexing objects lacking index signatures.
experimentalDecorators boolean
emitDecoratorMetadata boolean
newLine string
inlineSourceMap boolean
inlineSources boolean
noEmitHelpers boolean Do not generate custom helper functions like __extends in compiled output.
jsx string Support JSX in '.tsx' files: 'React' or 'Preserve'.
experimentalAsyncFunctions boolean Support ES7-proposed asynchronous functions using the async/await keywords.
rootDir string Specifies the root directory of input files. Only use to control the output directory structure with outDir option.

original options

####generateTsConfig type: string | boolean

generateTsConfig option will generate the content and equivalent tsconfig.json that are specified in the option. The value specify the directory name to be output. It is output to the current directory when you specify true.


type: string | string[]

Set auto reference libraries.

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      options: {
        references: [
          "core",       //lib.core.d.ts
          "dom",        //lib.dom.d.ts
          "scriptHost", //lib.scriptHost.d.ts
          "webworker",  //lib.webworker.d.ts


type: string | boolean | { path?:<string | string[]``>; before?: <string|string[]>; after?: <`string` | `string[]>; atBegin: boolean }

Watch .ts files. It runs very quickly the second time since the compilation. It is because you only want to read and output file is limited.

Specify the directory where you want to monitor in the options.

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      options: {
        watch: 'path/to/typescript/files' //or ['path/to/typescript/files1', 'path/to/typescript/files2']

If you specify the true, then automatically detects the directory.

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      options: {
        watch: true //Detect all target files root. eg: 'path/to/typescript/files/'

For expansion of the future, You can also be specified 'object'.

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      options: {
        watch: {
          path: 'path/to/typescript/files', //or ['path/to/typescript/files1', 'path/to/typescript/files2']
          before: ['beforetasks'],   //Set before tasks. eg: clean task
          after: ['aftertasks']      //Set after tasks.  eg: minify task
          atBegin: true              //Run tasks when watcher starts. default false


type: string

Path component to cut off when mapping the source files to dest files.


type: boolean

Path component to cut off when mapping the source files to dest files.

  typescript: {
    base: {
      src: ['path/to/typescript/files/**/*.ts'],
      dest: 'bin'
      options: {
        keepDirectoryHierarchy: true

If keepDirectoryHierarchy option is true, it is output as follows.

- /path
--- /to
----- /typescript
------- /files
--------- *.ts 

If keepDirectoryHierarchy option is false or not set, it is output as follows. It is same way as the tsc.

- *.ts 

※I'm sorry for poor English