
Telegram bot to share currently playing song on Spotify.

Primary LanguagePython


A python bot to share currently playing spotify songs on telegram.

Can be found on telegram as Spotipiebot.


The following env variables are supported:

  • API_KEY: Your bot token, as a string.

  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_ID: Your Spotify Client ID.

  • SPOTIFY_CLIENT_SECRET: Your Spotify Client Secret.

  • REDIRECT_URI: Your Spotify Authentication URL.

  • MONGO_USR: Your MongoDB database username.

  • MONGO_PASS: Your MongoDB database password.

  • MONGO_COLL: Your MongoDB collection name.

  • TEMP_CHANNEL: A temporary channel for caching images.

Python dependencies

Install the necessary python dependencies by moving to the project directory and running:

pip3 install -r requirements.txt

This will install all necessary python packages.