
Brute force rubik solver

Primary LanguagePython


Rubik's cube solver

Rubik is an algorithmic project at Codam (42). Objective is to find shortest solution in least possible amount of time.


User provides as single argument a string containing 1 to 20 movements in standard notation:

F, B, R, U, L, D, F', B', R', U', L', D', F2, B2, R2, U2, L2, D2

where letters stay for both side and rotation notations:

F - front side (rotate front side 90 degrees clockwize)
B - back side (rotate back side 90 degrees clockwize)
R - right side (rotate right side 90 degrees clockwize)
U - upper side (rotate upper side 90 degrees clockwize)
L - left side (rotate left side 90 degrees clockwize)
D - down side (rotate down side 90 degrees clockwize)

' - rotate side counter-clockwize
2 - rotate side 180 degrees clockwize

Also, program wih argument "random amount_of_moves" generates a random sequence with user-defined length (1 - 20 moves).


Program returns a string containing a sequence of moves (see input).


No elaborate algorithms were applied. A simple brute force with some slight improvements. The worst case will take 1.27 * 10^21 s time to solve(18^input-length combinations). The proposed improvements reduce this time to 3.3 * 10^19 s (15^input-length combinations), which is still too far from an appropriate result.