
MoovIm a new way to discover movies

Primary LanguageCSS


MoovIm a new way to discover movies

Welcome to the front side of MoovIm website based on AngularJS v1.2.26.

Go to your project directory.

Quick start


  1. [http://nodejs.org/download/](Download NodeJS installer)
  2. Install NodeJS


Gulp is a streaming build system. It helps you to do repetitive tasks such as: minify JS files, compile LESS to CSS files...

  1. Install gulp: sudo npm install -g gulp
  2. Type: gulp & in the project directory before starting to develop


  1. npm install -g bower
  2. More infos here http://bower.io/

Install bower plugins

  1. Angular: bower install angular
  2. Angular animate: bower install angular-animate
  3. Angular motion: bower install angular-motion
  4. Angular resource: bower install angular-resource
  5. Angular route: bower install angular-route
  6. Angular strap: bower install angular-strap
  7. Angular youtube mb: bower install angular-youtube-mb
  8. Bootstrap : bower install bootstrap
  9. Bootstrap material design: bower install bootstrap-material-design
  10. jQuery: bower install jquery

Install npm modules

  1. Gulp: npm install gulp
  2. Gulp jscs: npm install gulp-jscs
  3. Gulp jshint: npm install gulp-jshint
  4. Gulp less: npm install gulp-less
  5. Gulp minify css: npm install gulp-minify-css
  6. Gulp ng-config: npm install gulp-ng-config
  7. Gulp notify: npm install gulp-notify
  8. Gulp rename: npm install gulp-rename
  9. Satellizer: npm install satellizer
  10. Oclazyload: npm install oclazyload
  11. Angular loading bar: npm install angular-loading-bar

Authentication Google OAuth 2

Edit file app/config.json and paste client_id and redirect_uri of your google api