
Primary LanguageJavaScript

Sunmait blog project


  • Docker CE
  • docker-compose

All necessary scripts are in docker-scripts folder. Here is example of usage for development configuration:

  1. For the first time run build-dev-server.sh to build server.
  2. Run MySQL container with run-dev-database.sh script.
  3. In another terminal run seed-dev-server.sh script to apply migrations and seed database.
  4. Run run-dev-server.sh every time you want to start server.

All these rules are applicable to production environment, just use prod files instead of dev. Adminer (look more) is running alongside the server.

MySQL development Configuration:

username: root
password: password
database: sunmait_blog_development
host: devdb
port: 3307

MySQL production Configuration:

username: root
password: password
database: sunmait_blog
host: proddb
port: 3306

Server is running on 5000. Adminer is running on 8080. To connect from adminer use host:port pair in server field.

Sunmait Technologies