
Demonstration how to use NodeJS with InfluxDb and Grafana to visualize NodeJS-Express Web Application for scalable application


Runnin InfluxDb

  • Extract downloaded file to some folder
  • Run "influxd"
  • Go to influxdb web console : http://localhost:8083/
  • Create influxdb user : CREATE USER "bigbears" WITH PASSWORD 'bigbears'
  • Change it according to you code (if any)
  • Create influxdb database: CREATE DATABASE "dev_hapiness"

Running Grafana

  • Extract downloaded file to some folder
  • Run "bin/grafana-server"
  • login with default username/password (admin/admin)
  • Add influxdb data source
  • Parameter as follows
    • Name : influx-default (or any name you want)
    • Default : checked
    • Type : InfluxDB
    • url : http://localhost:8086
    • Access : Direct
    • Database : dev_hapiness
    • User : bigbears
    • Password : bigbears
    • Defualt group by time : > 30s

Checkout code from GitHub

  • You know how to do it !!!

Running Demonstration

  • npm install
  • node app.js