Examples provided for the Archway blockchain using archwayd
CLI tool
archwayd tx wasm store cosmos_reward_pool_contract.wasm --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 5000000 | jq -r '.txhash'
archwayd q tx <previous-tx-hash> | jq -r '.logs [0] .events[] | select(.type=="store_code").attributes[] | select(.key=="code_id") | .value'
archwayd tx wasm instantiate <code-id> '{}' --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 5000000 --label test123 --no-admin --from admin | jq -r '.txhash'
archwayd q tx <previous-tx-hash> | jq -r '.logs [0] .events[] | select(.type=="instantiate").attributes[] | select(.key=="_contract_address") | .value'
The latest deployed contract is archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7
deposit — Create a new reward pool
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "deposit" : { "campaign_id": "12345" } }' --amount 1000000aconst --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
check — Check if the reward pool has been created and deduct creation fee
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "check" : {"requests": [{"campaign_id": "12345", "amount": "900000"}]} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
reward_all — Assign reward to a user
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "reward_all" : {"user_rewards": [{"campaign_id": "12345", "user_address": "archway18v032krrt0sud25y2vk9vj49lvwkg2hxlxupwf", "amount": "10000"}]} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
claim — Claim a reward that was assigned to a user
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "claim" : {"campaign_id": "12345"} }' --from admin--gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
withdraw — Withdraw a specific amount of coins from the contract
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "withdraw" : {"amount": "1000"} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
withdraw_fee — Withdraw only campaign creation fees
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "withdraw_fee" : {} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
set_cpool — Modify the amount of a campaign pool, create new if it doesn’t exist
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "set_cpool" : {"campaign_id": "1111", "amount": "1000"} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
set_upool — Modify the amount of a campaign pool, create new if it doesn’t exist
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "set_upool" : {"user_address": "", "reward_pool_id": "2222", "amount": "1000"} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
set_claim_fee — Set the new value for the fee that user must send when claiming the reward
archwayd tx wasm execute archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "set_claim_fee" : {"claim_fee": "10000000"} }' --from admin --gas-prices $(archwayd q rewards estimate-fees 1 | jq -r '.gas_unit_price | (.amount + .denom)') -y --gas 400000 | jq -r '.txhash'
get_cpool — Query campaign pool
archwayd q wasm contract-state smart archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "get_cpool" : { "campaign_id": "12345" } }'
get_upool — Query user pool for specific user and reward pool
archwayd q wasm contract-state smart archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "get_upool" : { "user_address": "archway18v032krrt0sud25y2vk9vj49lvwkg2hxlxupwf", "campaign_id": "12345" } }'
get_claim_fee — Query campaign pool
archwayd q wasm contract-state smart archway124ljgdsns7zqngyx0jengsh90kh06jv9dqq8kxuvnw4509mhrwgqmlnrg7 '{ "get_claim_fee" : {} }'