
Implementation of the bachelor's thesis "Real-time stock predictions with Deep Learning and news scraping".

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT

Bachelor Thesis

This repository contains a partial implementation of my bachelor's thesis "Real-time stock predictions with Deep Learning and news scrapping". While the data and the cleaning pipeline are exactly as described in the report, the models and the results are not shared. Instead, a toy model for prototyping is included.

Preparing the Data

The data used in the thesis has been completely crawled and put together from scratch. Specifically, you can find the titles and descriptions of the news published on reuters.com from January 2010 to May 2018. In addition to that, you also have the stock prices (end of the day) of 2019. S&P 500 companies extracted from alphavantage.co.

Everything is compressed in a H5DF file that you can download from this link (3.93 GB).

In order to access the data, you must load it using h5py. You can then get the news of a certain date or the stock price movements of one of the symbols as:

data = h5py.File('path/to/bachelor_thesis_data.hdf5', 'r')
date_news = data['news/reuters']['2010-01-20'][()]
stock_prices = data['prices/AAPL']['2010-01-20'][()]

For the case of the news, date_news is a np.ndarray of size (n_news, 5) containing the title, description, category, URL and UTC publishing datetime of the news of that specific date.

For the case of the stock prices, stock_prices is also a np.ndarray of size (8,) containing the opening price, maximum price, minimum price, closing price, volume of traded stocks, dividend, and split coefficient.

Notice that not every date is available, both in the case of the news and the stock prices. Read the documentation of HDF5 to learn more about how to deal with this type of file.

Running the Code

The first step is to clone this repository in your computer and install its dependencies:

git clone https://github.com/davidalvarezdlt/bachelor_thesis.git
cd bachelor_thesis
pip install -r requirements.txt

After downloading the repository to your personal computer, make sure to move the data to ./bachelor_thesis/data/. You will also have to download Word2Vec and store it in the same path, as it's used to get the word embeddings.

The implementation of this repository is done using PyTorch Lightning. Read its documentation to get a complete overview of how is this repository organized. You can run the code using default parameters by calling:

python -m bachelor_thesis

The first time you run the code, the ligthning_logs/data.ckpt file will be created. This process might take some minutes to complete. You can obtain a complete list of available arguments by calling:

python -m bachelor_thesis --help

For instance, you can run the code in a GPU by calling:

python -m bachelor_thesis --gpus 1

Every time you run the code, a new version folder will be created inside lightning_logs. Read the documentation of PyTorch Lightning to know more about how to modify the default behavior of the framework.


If you use the data provided in this repository or if you find this thesis useful, please use the following citation:

    type = {Bachelor's Thesis},
    author = {David Álvarez de la Torre},
    title = {Real-time stock predictions with Deep Learning and news scrapping},
    school = {Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya},
    year = 2018,