
Java GUI for dxWorld.com

Primary LanguageJava

Java GUI for dxWorld.com
command line style interface or launchpad style approach



Minimizes bandwidth use, only reads up to point it last read.
Starts the window with the "look back" log.
Each frame is set to refresh at 5 minutes.
Frame updates upon QSO or spot submission.
The user may also manually force an update.
Can display HF/6 & 2M QSO & DX frames without requiring a bunch of screen real-estate.
Users grid & callsign are automagically appended to submissions.
setting call sign / grid from command frame
  IF they are set other than MyCall and MyGrid.
QRZ feature when using CommandFrame
read initial settings from a file -- give config file name on command line
added whoami command for CommandFrame

You can use the main in either of the CommandFrame or dxSpot classes.