- JRE/JDK 11.02 or newer
You can download it on Releases page.
$ auto <apk-file>
Note: Remove whitespaces from the file name.
You can find the configuration file on the application's data path.
- Japan version: Android/data/jp.co.bandainamcoent.BNEI0242/files/koaConf_v2.ini
# [1] To reset configuration, you can delete this file. The configuration will be regenerated once you restart the game.
# [2] You also have to restart the game for any changes to be effective.
# Value types
# boolean: true, false
# integer(number): 0~100
# true = enable mod || false = disable mod
# true = autoplay || false = manual + always perfect
# true = enabled
# chance of perfect combo (set to 100 if you hate fun, I guess)
# chance of miss
# [1] By default, the mod will do a great combo when rngChance% is lower than perfectChance%
# [2] The probability of greatCombo is 90%, while the probability of niceCombo is 10%
# Meaning, set this to true if you also want to mix nice combos here and there