Git Cheat Sheet


Create new Local Branch

git checkout -b [new_branch_name] 

Push Branch to Remote

git push [remote_name] [new_branch_name] 

Show all Branches on Remote

git remote show [remote_name] 

Pull Remote Branch

git fetch [remote_name] [remote_branch_name]:[local_branch_name]
git checkout [local_branch_name]

Merge Branches

Merge branch [B] into branch [A]

git checkout [A]
git merge [B]

Merge Single Files

git checkout [A]
git checkout [B] [files_to_merge]
git add [files_to_merge]
git commit -m [commit_message]

Clone a Specific Branch

git clone --branch [remote_branch_name] [URL]

Delete a Branch


git branch -d [local_branch_name]

On Remote:

git push origin --delete [remote_branch_name]

Compare two Branches

Show files that differ in current branch from branch [branch_name_a]:

git diff --names-only [branch_name_a]

With diff (compares all files, add the file name after the command to only compare a single file):

git diff [branch_name_a]..[branch_name_b]

With difftool (compares all files, add the file name after the command to only compare a single file):

git difftool [branch_name_a]..[branch_name_b]

Merge Conflicts

Show Difference With Remote

git fetch
git diff [local_branch_name] [remote_name]/[remote_branch_name]


git fetch
git merge


When you want to switch to a different branch and don't want to commit your changes you can stash them.

Push Current Project State Onto the Stack

git stash

Show Stack

git stash list

Pop Most Recent Stash From the Stack

git stash apply

Pop a Different State From the Stack

git stash apply stash@{[number]}


List all Tags

git tag

Show a Specific Tag

git tag [tag_name]

Create a new Tag at the Current Commit

git tag -a [tag_name] -m "[message]"

Create a new Tag at a Previous Commit

git tag -a [tag_name] [commit_hash] 

Delete a Local Tag

git tag --delete [tag_name]

Delete a Remote Tag

git push --delete [remote_name] [tag_name]

Pushing Tag to a Remote

By default git push does not push tags onto a remote. This is done by:

git push [remote_name] [branch_name] --tags

Checkout a Specific Tag

git checkout [tag_name] 

Checkout a Specific Tag on a New Branch

git checkout [tag_name] 
git checkout -b [new_branch_name]


git checkout -b [new_branch_name] [tag_name] 

Clone a Specific Tag

git clone --branch [tag_name] [URL]


Add a Submodule

git submodule add [URL_of_submodule] [directory_of_submodule] 

Clone a Repository with Submodules

git clone [URL]
git submodule init
git submodule update


git clone [URL] --recursive

Tie a Submodule to a Specific Branch

git submodule add [URL_of_submodule] [directory_of_submodule]
cd [directory_of_submodule]
git checkout -b [submodule_branch] [submodule_remote]/[remote_submodule_branch]
cd -
git commit -am "[message]"
git push [remote] [branch]

Clone it:

git clone [URL] --recursive


git clone [URL]
git submodule update --init -recursive

Tie a Submodule to a Specific Tag

git submodule add [URL_of_submodule] [directory_of_submodule]
cd [directory_of_submodule]
git checkout [tag_name] 
cd -
git commit -am "[message]"
git push [remote] [branch]

Clone it:

git clone [URL] --recursive


git clone [URL]
git submodule update --init -recursive

Delete a Submodule

  1. Delete the relevant section from .gitmodules
  2. Delete the relevant section from .git/config
  3. Delete the submodule from the repository git rm --cached [directory_of_submodule]
  4. Delete the submodule from the config rm -rf .git/modules/[directory_of_submodule]
  5. Commit the changes git commit -m "Removed submodule [submodule_name]"
  6. Delete the submodule from the local drive rm -rf [directory_of_submodule]

Delete Files

Delete a File from the Repsitory and your File System

git rm [file]

Delete a File only from the Repsitory

git rm --cached [file]


Show Whole Config

git config --list

Get Location of Config File

git config --list --show-origin

Set User Name and E-Mail

git config --global [user_name]
git config --global [email]

Setup Vim as diff Tool

git config --global diff.tool vimdiff
git config --global difftool.prompt false

Open vim as diff tool:

git difftool

Setup Vim as merge Tool

git config merge.tool vimdiff
git config merge.conflictstyle diff3
git config mergetool.prompt false

Delete a Config Entry

git config --global --unset [config_name]


Show Files that are Tracked

git ls-tree -r master --name-only

Helpful Links