
Kosen Robocon 2018 - Control Station

Primary LanguagePython

PathPlanning for Kosen-Robocon 2018


This is the program of the control station(CS) used in Kosen-Robocon 2018-Bottle-Flip Cafe-.


Detects the location of the table with image recognition and creates a route for the automatic robot.When automatic robot has set up all plastic bottles, this detect whether they are standing by using the learning model created by tensorflow.


  • Python 3.6.2 :: Anaconda custom (64-bit)
  • Intel RealSense Depth Camera D415
  • pyrealsense2(you need to build sdk by yourself github)

How to use

After install all requirments, run the following in shell:

python detection.py

Then start detection.
If detection is succeeded, do path planning and send path to automatic robot automatically.

If you want to try only path_planning, run the following in the shell:

python path_planning.py [under table x] [middle table x] [up table x] [zone]

zone = 1: red zone
zone = 0: blue zone


python path_planning.py 1250 2500 3750 0
