This is IEC61850-9.2LE Software Generator. Software can generate different shapes of voltages and currents, with bunch of editable parameters - amplitude, frequency, phase. Moreover, it can generate arbitrary waveform by defining harmonics amplitudes and phases. Additionaly this software can be used to control sampled values stream on any network port. It has decoding module (it's not so efficient, but works well). Software ready to be launched on devices with sensor screens as it has virtual keyboard. This tool also has some network-controlled parameters to remote control generation and signal params. Additional information can be found in _documents folder. Code have been being developed with Qt and Visual Studio (not needed to build). Using libpcap and qwt libs (included). Note that it is not production-grade code, it's kinda handy tool for various manipulations with IEC61850-9.2. There is much C-like code in this masterpiece. Works under Windows and Linux. Distributed under Apache 2.0 license