
Primary LanguageGoApache License 2.0Apache-2.0

Event Publisher Proxy


The Event Publisher Proxy receives legacy and Cloud Event publishing requests from the cluster workloads (microservice or Serverless functions) and redirects them to the Enterprise Messaging Service Cloud Event Gateway. It also fetches a list of subscriptions for a connected application.


  • Go modules
  • ko
  • lint
    • Install lint on the local environment:
curl -sfL https://install.goreleaser.com/github.com/golangci/golangci-lint.sh | bash -s -- -b $GOPATH/bin


  • check code quality before a commit:
$ make code-check


$ go mod vendor


$ make test-local

Deploy inside a cluster

$ ko apply -f config/event-publisher-proxy/

Send Events

This command supports CloudEvents:

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/cloudevents+json" \
    --data @<(<<EOF
        "specversion": "1.0",
        "source": "/default/sap.kyma/kt1",
        "type": "sap.kyma.FreightOrder.Arrived.v1",
        "eventtypeversion": "v1",
        "id": "A234-1234-1234",
        "data" : "{\"foo\":\"bar\"}",
    ) \

This command supports legacy events:

curl -v -X POST \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    --data @<(<<EOF
        "event-type": "order.created",
        "event-type-version": "v0",
        "event-time": "2020-04-02T21:37:00Z",
        "data" : "{\"foo\":\"legacy-mode-on\"}"
    ) \

Get a list of subscriptions for a connected application

curl -v -X GET \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \

Environment Variables

Environment Variable Default Value Description
INGRESS_PORT 8080 The ingress port for the CloudEvents Gateway Proxy.
MAX_IDLE_CONNS 100 The maximum number of idle (keep-alive) connections across all hosts. Zero means no limit.
MAX_IDLE_CONNS_PER_HOST 2 The maximum idle (keep-alive) connections to keep per-host. Zero means the default value.
REQUEST_TIMEOUT 5s The timeout for the outgoing requests to the Messaging server.
CLIENT_ID The Client ID used to acquire Access Tokens from the Authentication server.
CLIENT_SECRET The Client Secret used to acquire Access Tokens from the Authentication server.
TOKEN_ENDPOINT The Authentication Server Endpoint to provide Access Tokens.
EMS_PUBLISH_URL The Messaging Server Endpoint that accepts publishing CloudEvents to it.
BEB_NAMESPACE The name of the namespace in BEB.
EVENT_TYPE_PREFIX The prefix of the eventType as per the BEB event specification.


Flag Default Value Description
max-request-size 65536 The maximum size of the request.
metrics-addr :9090 The address the metric endpoint binds to.

NOTE: This is a general template that you can use for a project README.md. Except for the mandatory sections, use only those sections that suit your use case but keep the proposed section order.

Mandatory sections:

  • Overview
  • Prerequisites, if there are any requirements regarding hard- or software
  • Installation
  • Contributing - do not change this!
  • Code of Conduct - do not change this!
  • Licensing - do not change this!

{Project Title}

Modify the title and insert the name of your project. Use Heading 1 (H1).


Provide a description of the project's functionality.

If it is an example README.md, describe what the example illustrates.


List the requirements to run the project or example.


Explain the steps to install your project. If there are multiple installation options, mention the recommended one and include others in a separate document. Create an ordered list for each installation task.

If it is an example README.md, describe how to build, run locally, and deploy the example. Format the example as code blocks and specify the language, highlighting where possible. Explain how you can validate that the example ran successfully. For example, define the expected output or commands to run which check a successful deployment.

Add subsections (H3) for better readability.


Explain how to use the project. You can create multiple subsections (H3). Include the instructions or provide links to the related documentation.


Add instructions on how to develop the project or example. It must be clear what to do and, for example, how to trigger the tests so that other contributors know how to make their pull requests acceptable. Include the instructions or provide links to related documentation.



Code of Conduct



See the LICENSE file.