
Automatic segmentation of podcast audio files.

Primary LanguageTypeScript


Podcasts. Reimagined with UMA and AI.


Put your .env file at the root of the project. Then, run:

docker compose up

For hackathon/demo purposes, I think we can get away with just running it via Docker compose and exposing the nginx container to the world via a Cloudflare tunnel.


For local development, you can run the API via:

cd core
pipenv run fastapi dev octopod/core/server.py

And the frontend via:

cd js/studio
npm run dev

Note that we are using the openapi CLI to generate the API client for the frontend. If you made changes to the API, you can regenerate the client via:

openapi --input --output ./js/studio/src/api
npx @hey-api/openapi-ts -i http://localhost:8000/openapi.json -o src/api -c @hey-api/client-fetch

This will cover most development use cases. But if you also need to actually process podcasts, you will also need to run the Redis instance and rq workers via:

docker compose up --build -d

which will allow you to submit new podcasts and have them be processed in the background.