
Neural sentiment analysis over gRPC.

Primary LanguagePython


Neural sentiment analysis over gRPC.


Run python server.py to launch an instance of the gRPC server. The only dependencies are pytorch and grpc and the server defaults to port 50051.

The examples directory shows how to interact with the gRPC API from both Python and Go. An abbreviated example is provided below:

import grpc
import sentiment_pb2 as sentiment_pb2
import sentiment_pb2_grpc as sentiment_pb2_grpc

channel = grpc.insecure_channel('localhost:50051')
stub = sentiment_pb2_grpc.SentimentStub(channel)

text = "The display resolution is fantastic and the speakers are crisp and clear."
result = stub.Analyze(sentiment_pb2.SentimentRequest(text=text))

print("Positive:", result.positive)
print("Negative:", result.negative)