Study05 README Contents

Research the Kafka Broker and Spring Cloud Stream

In the Docker container 'spr-kafka', Kafka Server runs with a single Kafka Broker.

This is the Spring Cloud Stream application with the Apache Kafka Binder.
The Apache Kafka Binder implementation maps each destination to an Apache Kafka topic.

The sections of this project:

  1. Docker Build
  2. Sender, Processor, Receiver
  3. Kafka Scripts

Java source code packages in modules 'kafka-sender', 'kafka-processor', and 'kafka-receiver':

module 'kafka-sender' application sources :  kp
module 'kafka-sender' test sources :  kp.sender
module 'kafka-processor' application sources :  kp
module 'kafka-processor' test sources :  kp.processor
module 'kafka-receiver' application sources :  kp
module 'kafka-receiver' test sources :  kp.receiver

Java API Documentation ●  Java Test API Documentation

❶ Docker Build


1. With the batch file "01 Docker build and run.bat", build the image and
start the container with the application.

1.1. Docker image is built using these files:
Dockerfile-processor, Dockerfile-receiver, Dockerfile-sender, and compose.yaml.

The screenshot of the created Docker containers.

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❷ Sender, Processor, Receiver

Docker containers for SpringBoot applications: sender, processor, and receiver

2.1. The Sender is configured in
The container spr-sender sends Box to the destination 'kp-1'.
The 'Supplier' creation method in SpringBoot configuration: kp.sender.KpSender::sendBox.

The log from the container spr-sender.

2.2. The Processor is configured in
The container spr-processor processes Box from the destination 'kp-1' to the destination 'kp-2'.
The 'Function' creation method in SpringBoot configuration: kp.processor.KpProcessor::processBox.

The log from the container spr-processor.

2.3. The Receiver is configured in
The container spr-receiver receives Box from the destination 'kp-2'.
The 'Consumer' creation method in SpringBoot configuration: kp.receiver.KpReceiver::receiveBox.

The log from the container spr-receiver.

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❸ Kafka Scripts


1. With the batch file "02 Kafka list topics.bat", run in Docker the Kafka script for topic listing.
2. With the batch file "03 Kafka consume.bat", run in Docker the Kafka consumer console on topic 'kp-2'.

3.1. The batch file "02 Kafka list topics.bat".
The screenshot of the console log from the run of the batch file "02 Kafka list topics.bat".

3.2. The batch file "03 Kafka consume.bat".

The console log from the run of the batch file "03 Kafka consume.bat".

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