Example library with TurboModule and Fabric component for App.js 2022 conference workshops.
First, install the dependencies in the root directory:
yarn install
There are two example apps that we will use during workshops:
– React Native 0.67.4 with old architectureFabricExample
– React Native 0.68.2 with new architecture
First, install the dependencies in Example/
cd Example
yarn install
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
yarn start
Once you install the dependencies, build and run Example app both for Android (using Android Studio) and iOS (using Xcode).
First, install the dependencies in FabricExample/
cd FabricExample
yarn install
cd ios
pod install
cd ..
yarn start
Once you install the dependencies, build and run FabricExample app both for Android (using Android Studio) and iOS (using Xcode).
Note: Building React Native apps with new architecture enabled requires Android NDK. It is likely that you already have the NDK installed as it is required by other community packages, but in case you don’t, please follow the instructions from Android developers portal.