
prometheus2zabbix is a tool to convert prometheus metrics to a zabbix template

Primary LanguagePython


The tool to convert prometheus metrics to a zabbix template.


Tested on Zabbix 6.0 (should work with Zabbix 6+).

How it works

  1. Run the tool to build a zabbix template in yaml format.
python prometheus2zabbix.py -u "http://my_host:9000/metrics" -n "My Awesome Application" > template.yaml
  1. Go to "Configuration/Templates" in Zabbix UI and click "Import".
  2. Select the generated file (step 1) and run "Import".


prometheus2zabbix [-h] [-u METRICS_URL] [-n TEMPLATE_NAME] [-m ITEM_MASTER_KEY] [-t APPLICATION_TAG]
  • -u - url to prometheus metrics. Default: http://localhost:9000/metrics.
  • -n - template name. Default: Template My Application.
  • -m - master item key (must be unique within a single host). All generated items, discovery rules, item prototypes will depend on this item. Default: http_raw_prometheus_metrics.
  • -t - application tag value. All generated items and item prototypes will have the "Application: <specified_tag_value>" tag. Default: None.
  • -h - show usage message.


python prometheus2zabbix.py -u "http://my_host:9000/metrics" -n "My Awesome Application" -m http_raw_my_awesome_app_metrics -t "Awesome Application" > template.yaml