

                     _ _____ _____    ___        _             
                    | |  ___|  ___|  / _ \ _ __ (_) ___  _ __  
                 _  | | |_  | |_    | | | | '_ \| |/ _ \| '_ \ 
                | |_| |  _| |  _|   | |_| | | | | | (_) | | | |
                 \___/|_|   |_|      \___/|_| |_|_|\___/|_| |_|
                __  __                                           
               |  \/  | ___  ___ ___  __ _ _ __   __ _  ___ _ __ 
               | |\/| |/ _ \/ __/ __|/ _` | '_ \ / _` |/ _ \ '__|
               | |  | |  __/\__ \__ \ (_| | | | | (_| |  __/ |   
               |_|  |_|\___||___/___/\__,_|_| |_|\__, |\___|_|   


  • Project for Onion messenger
    • Onion messenger is inspired by onion routing like Tor.
    • It anonymizes messages between clients using PGP.
    • Message transmission route changes randomly.
    • The sender and the receiver of a message can see the message, but other clients cannot see its content or figure out who is sending the message to whom like following picture. onion

Table of contents

Getting Started

Clone git repository

# Clone this repository
$ git clone https://github.com/KAIST-IS521/2018s-onion-team6.git

# Go into the repository
$ cd 2018s-onion-team6


You can install using setup.sh.

# Install dependencies
$ ./setup.sh

Or, you can install separately using following command.

  • We compile our program with clang

    $ sudo apt-get install -y clang-5.0
  • You can test our messenger in docker

    $ sudo apt-get install -y docker-ce
    # verify installation
    $ sudo docker run hello-world


# Build 
$ make

# Remove object files
$ make clean

PGP key

If you don't have the PGP key, you should make it.
And you have to export your private key to this repo's private.key file.

# Generate a new keypair
$ gpg --gen-key

# Export private key to file
$ gpg --export-secret-keys -a > private.key

Or, you can use our test private key in TEST_KEYS.

Running the App

In local

# Run the app
$ ./Build/onion

In docker

# Build docker image
$ ./1_build_docker.sh ${1}  // $1 is prepared private key number (1~5).

# Run it as one container
$ ./2_container_docker.sh ${CONTAINER_NAME}


           {help}                        : print usage
           {send} {GIT_ID}               : send message
                            -> {MESSAGE} : input message
           {ls}                          : show received message list
           {cat} {GIT_ID}                : print recvived message
           {id}                          : show my info
           {w}                           : show member list
           {exit}                        : program exit

Running Examples

[+] GIT_ID > User1
[+] Private key password > *******
           {help}                        : print usage
           {send} {GIT_ID}               : send message
                            -> {MESSAGE} : input message
           {ls}                          : show received message list 
           {cat} {GIT_ID}                : print recvived message
           {id}                          : show my info
           {w}                           : show member list
           {exit}                        : program exit

 # id
 [*] User1 (
 # w
 ::::::::::   ONLINE MEMBER LIST   :::::::::::
 [*] Git Id (IP :: PGP Key Id)
 [+] User4 (
 [+] User3 (
 [+] User2 (
 [+] User1 (
 # send User4
 # send @ <User4> : Hello
 # send @ <User4> : I'm User4.
 # send @ <User4> : 

[!] [ User4 ]'s Message arrived 
 [+] msg > Hi!

 # ls

 # cat User4
 [+] msg > Hi!



  • Send packets using json format
  1. Update Peer List
  |        flag        |     github_id    |        pgp_key_id        |
  | 0(dead) or 1(live) | user's github id | user's pgp public key id |
  1. Send/Recv Message
  |     sender     |     receiver     |             data             |
  | message sender | message receiver | plain data or encrypted data |

Source Code

main.cpp            : Include main function
onion_messenger.cpp : OnionMessenger main class
shell.cpp           : User interface
user_info.cpp       : User information class
socket.cpp          : Include socket wrapper functions
heartbeat.cpp       : Send and receive broadcast message for updating peer list
msgclient.cpp       : Encrypt message and send it
msgserver.cpp       : Receive message, decrypt data, decide to read or forward
pgpmanager.cpp      : Include gpg wrapper functions


  • Team JFF [Just For Fun]
    • Soohun Kim (L)
    • Sunnyeo Park
    • Sangsup Lee
    • Hyungseok Han (TA)