
Web3 provider that allows using several RPC URLs

Primary LanguageJavaScript


This module is a web3 provider that allows using several RPC URLs (instead of just one, like HttpProvider). If one of these URLs is not working, the next one in the list will be used.


npm install http-list-provider


Create the provider instance with a list of RPC URLs:

const Web3 = require('web3')
const HttpListProvider = require('http-list-provider')

const provider = new HttpListProvider(['https://mainnet.infura.io', 'http://localhost:8545'])
const web3 = new Web3(provider)


http-list-provider uses promise-retry to allow retrying when all the URLs fail. By default, retrying is disabled. You can enable it by doing:

const provider = new HttpListProvider(['https://mainnet.infura.io', 'http://localhost:8545'], {
  retry: {
    retries: 1,
    minTimeout: 10000

The object under the retry key will be passed as it is to promise-retry and used for retrying.


To run the tests, start ganache-cli in the default (8545) port and then run npm test.