- 11
Fixtures cannot be loaded
#68 opened by gjtorikian - 2
Prefixes on ULIDs
#72 opened by kevinrobayna - 0
ulid :id, auto_generate: false raises ULID::Rails::ArgumentError when id is generated by a DB function
#69 opened by matas-zanevicius - 6
Which references type for Postgres?
#58 opened by Frexuz - 4
NoMethodError: undefined method `gsub' for #<ULID::Rails::Type::Data:0x000000010d9b6258 @value="\x01\x81\xD0@\xC0\xAAaO\x9D\xF9+\x0FZ\xE3VS">
#32 opened by gjtorikian - 1
Why binary column type and not UUID?
#30 opened by gjtorikian - 0
- 0
DEPRECATION WARNING: connection_config is deprecated and will be removed from Rails 6.2 (Use connection_db_config instead)
#7 opened by shiroemons - 2