
FunK is a scalable function provider (think to kind of small FaaS)

Primary LanguageJavaScriptMIT LicenseMIT


FunK is a scalable function provider (think to a kind of small FaaS)

👋 FunK is "cloud provider agnostic", you can deploy FunK where you want. You don't need Kubernetes or Docker, but you can if you want.

👋 It means that FunK is 🎉 Cloud Native

FunK provides:

  • JavaScript functions
  • Kotlin functions

FunK is made with ❤️ with the ✨ RedPipe (Vert.x based)

⚠️ don't use FunK in production: for now, it's a proof of concept

FunK is a Bots.Garden production

At the end of POC, Funk will move there: https://github.com/funk-platform


  • Java 8
  • Redis database
  • Maven

Run it

Simple way (locally): :wave: Funk uses a Java SecurityManager to avoid some "malicious" funKtion

# you need to start `redis-server` before
# you need to define a token

FUNK_TOKEN="panda" \
MAVEN_OPTS="-Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=./funk.policy" \
mvn install exec:java

Start with an other http port:

FUNK_TOKEN="panda" \
PORT=8080 \
MAVEN_OPTS="-Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=./funk.policy" \
mvn install exec:java

Change the Redis information:

FUNK_TOKEN="panda" \
PORT=8080 \
REDIS_HOST="localhost" \
REDIS_PASSWORD="password" \
MAVEN_OPTS="-Djava.security.manager -Djava.security.policy=./funk.policy" \
mvn install exec:java

On a cloud provider, inside a virtual machine or a container:

  • if the FunK server is listening on 8080
  • and you are forwarding on 80 you need to use this:
  • PORT=8080
  • SERVICE_HOST="your.domain.name"

you will access to your FunK server like that: http://your.domain.name

# if the server is listening on 8080, but 80 is exposed
FUNK_TOKEN="panda" \
PORT=8080 \
REDIS_HOST="localhost" \
REDIS_PASSWORD="password" \
SERVICE_HOST="localhost" \
mvn install exec:java


Each function, for a language, has a unique identifier: its name, so

  • ⚠️ you can create only one hello JavaScript function
    • 👋 btw, it's convenient if you want to call various versions from an other function
  • but you can create one hello JavaScript function and one hello Kotlin function
  • if you need several version use something like that: hello_v_101

⚠️ 👋 Now you can use the Funk CLI: funkli: https://github.com/k33g/funkli

JavaScript functions

Create a JavaScript function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/funk/js \
-d @- <<'EOF'
  "description":"yo function",
  "code":"function yo(options){
    return {result: options.message};


  • the FunK JavaScript functions take only one parameter: options, this is an object (eg: {a:40, b:2})
  • you need to return a JavaScript object ({}) with a result member
  • this is a POST request
  • you need to provide the token in the header: --header "funk-token: panda"
  • ⚠️ the name and the name of the function in the body have to be the same
  • ⚠️ note the end of the url: /funk/js

Run a JavaScript function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/funk/js/run \
-d @- <<'EOF'
    "message": "hello world"

you'll get: {"result":"hello world"}


  • you need to pass the parameters thanks to an object using parameters, eg: parameters:{a:40, b:2}
  • this is a POST request

Update a JavaScript function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8080/funk/js \
-d @- <<'EOF'
  "description":"yo function",
  "code":"function yo(options){
    return {result: options.message};


  • this is a PUT request

Get the list of the JavaScript function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/funk/js

Kotlin functions

Create a Kotlin function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/funk/kt \
-d @- <<'EOF'
  "description":"sum function",
  "code":"import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject\n
    fun sum(options: JsonObject): JsonObject {\n
      val res = options.get(\"a\") as Int + options.get(\"b\") as Int\n
      return JsonObject().put(\"result\", res)\n


  • the FunK Kotlin functions take only one parameter: options, this is a Map<String, Object>
  • you need to return a JsonObject with a result member
    • so you need to import this: io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
  • this is a POST request
  • you need to provide the token in the header: --header "funk-token: panda"
  • ⚠️ the name and the name of the function in the body have to be the same
  • ⚠️ note the end of the url: /funk/kt

Run a Kotlin function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:8080/funk/kt/run \
-d @- <<'EOF'
    "a": 38,
    "b": 4

Update a Kotlin function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X PUT http://localhost:8080/funk/kt \
-d @- <<'EOF'
  "description":"sum function",
  "code":"import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject\n
    fun sum(options: JsonObject): JsonObject {\n
      val res = options.get(\"a\") as Int + options.get(\"b\") as Int\n
      return JsonObject().put(\"result\", res)\n

Get the list of the Kotlin function

curl --header "funk-token: panda" -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X GET http://localhost:8080/funk/kt

Function call Functions

Calling JavaScript and Kotlin functions from JavaScript

var Funk = Java.type('funk.Funk');
var JsonObject = Java.type('io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject');

var sumParameters = new JsonObject()
sumParameters.put("a", 40)
sumParameters.put("b", 2)
var sumJS = Funk.js("sum").call(sumParameters)
print("SUM JS: " + sumJS) // SUM JS: {"result":42.0}
var sumKT = Funk.kt("sum").call(sumParameters)
print("SUM KT: " + sumKT)  // SUM KT: {"result":42.0}

Calling JavaScript and Kotlin functions from Kotlin

import io.vertx.core.json.JsonObject
import funk.Funk

val sumParameters = JsonObject()
sumParameters.put("a", 40)
sumParameters.put("b", 2)

val sumJS = Funk.js("sum").call(sumParameters)
val sumKT = Funk.kt("sum").call(sumParameters)


  • JavaScript Client
  • JavaClient
  • Kotlin Client
  • other clients
  • security
  • administration console
  • backup management
  • add the ability to use files locally and in an object storage
  • add the ability to use files from a source control management system
  • https
  • logs management
  • function deletion
  • ...