
Using MIPS32 Assembly Language to build basic programs.

Primary LanguageAssembly

MIPS32 Assembly Language

Using MIPS32 Assembly Language to build basic programs.

MARS MIPS simulator: http://courses.missouristate.edu/KenVollmar/mars/download.htm

Basic Looping

Carry out looping operation

Basic Summation

Sums up the individual digits in my UCD ID

Bitmap Display from 0 to 255

Using the built in Bitmap Display Tool to create pattern based on 8-bit number. Starting from 0 up-to 255.

Counting characters within a string

Counts the number of occurences of different characters present in a string

Encrypt and Decrypt tamref

Encrpt/decrypt using tamref on my UCD ID

Encrypt and Decrypt tamref (Keyboard simulation)

Encrpt/decrypt using tamref on keyboard input

Mastermind game

Input 4 numbers that are non repeating into the data memory. The program will then guess until it is correct - randomly generated.