Python Flask playwright Docker app playground

This is a skeleton for an HTTP service based on the Python Flask 3.x framework.

It includes :

  • Docker-compose configuration file
  • View configuration to serve http content
  • pyTest configuration to write unit tests
  • Python Playwright for automating and testing web applications.


  • Unix environment like Debian 10 or Mac OS 10.15 (not tested on Windows)
  • Docker or Docker Desktop (started with version V.4.x CE)
  • Docker-compose (included with Docker Desktop)
  • Git

Install Docker Desktop


Open your terminal and create a project folder

cd <project-folder>
git clone .

Start project with Docker

Build docker image

$ docker-compose build

Start docker container

$ docker-compose up -d

Check if service is running

$ docker-compose ps


api       api:latest     "flask run --host=0.…"   api       4 hours ago   Up 1 second>5000/tcp
nginx     nginx:latest   "/docker-entrypoint.…"   nginx     4 hours ago   Up 1 second>80/tcp

Go to

Restart docker container

$ docker-compose restart

Stop docker container

$ docker-compose down

How to use playwright

For conveniance, a sample site based on a rich featured bootstrap template is included (./nginx/static/example01). You can check if setup is complete with a simple cli command.

Sample site

$ docker-compose exec api flask app playwright

This command simulates the behavior of a user opening a navigation menu and clicking to open the "Contact Us" page.

import re
from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright
from playwright.sync_api import expect

with sync_playwright() as playwright:
    browser = playwright.chromium.launch(headless=True)
    page = browser.new_page()

    # Use default nginx vhost to locate sample website

    # check if meta title contain "Creative"

    # Open example menu by click

    # Go to contact us page

Run Tests

Later you can add somme fonctional tests.

Run all tests

$ docker-compose exec app pytest ./tests -v -s

Run specific module tests

$ docker-compose exec app pytest ./tests/ -v -s

Run specific module method tests

$ docker-compose exec app pytest ./tests/ -v -s