Simple jQuery Quiz plugin

  • Questions are stored in a json file and loaded with an ajax request.
  • Players progression is saved after each answer.
  • Player can leave the quiz and come back later to finish.

I use a litle bit php to store players result in a session. But you can adapt this easely easely to any language.

TODO : wrtite plugin usage


Bower And Grunt need :

Installing Bower

Bower is installed globally using npm:.

$ npm install -g bower

Installing Grunt

Install Grunt's command line interface (CLI). Grunt will be only installed in your project folder.

$ npm install -g grunt-cli

Installing project-bootstrap

Checkout the project.

$ git clone

Run Bower to download dependencies

$ cd <project-root>/
$ bower install

Bower components are now in www/assets/components/

Run Grunt to initialize project

$ cd <project-root>/
$ npm install
$ grunt

Development files are now in www/assets/build/.

To get production files run:

$ grunt production

Bower Components

You can add more components in bower.json config file.

    "name": "project bootstrap",
    "dependencies": {
        "jquery": "1.8.x",
        "components-bootstrap": "2.3.x",
        "font-awesome": "3.0.2"

Grunt watch & LiveReload

Grunt can observe you files and execute somme tasks automaticaly.

To run Grunt in background

$ grunt watch


Grunt Watch has support for Livereload. To enable it in your browser install LiveReload extension