👾 opengl-imgui-cmake-template

A quick and easy way to get started using OpenGL 3.3 Core Profile together with imgui in a CMake environment.

This template only contains a wrapper class for shaders, and one for the window with appropriate Initialize/LoadContent/Update/Render as a game loop.

The shader class allows for hot-reloading of the fragment shader, so whenever you modify the testing.fs file in the build/resources/shaders/ directory, the shader will automagically be reloaded!

NOTE: The shader files in resources/shaders/ are copied into the build/ directory upon build, so if you want to save your hot-reloaded changes, then you must also modify the shaders in resources/shaders/ directory.

Getting started

  1. Create a new repo by clicking Use this template up to the right!
  2. Download some GLFW pre-compiled binaries and put the libglfw3.a file in libs/glfw/.
  3. Compile with CMake and then run it! Piece of cake!


  • Uses imgui version 1.83
  • Has only been tested on MingW64 compiler for Windows (so it may require some fixing for it to work for gcc or clang)