Assumptions made by this curriculum

  • You’ve gone through the standard RailsBridge installfest and have successfully completed the Get a Sticker step.

  • You’ve gone through the RailsBridge Suggestotron curriculum and the Job Board curriculum at least once before, or maybe a couple of times, or maybe you feel decently comfortable with Rails for some other reason.

  • You want to learn more Rails!!!


  • Make a thing!

  • Understand what the models, views, and controllers of a Rails app do and how they work together.

  • Get more comfortable using error messages as guideposts and not as scary things.

What’s Going to Happen?

We’re going to build a message board system, where there are posts on the front page and you click through to see the original post plus discussion below.

We’ve divided this into challenges:

  • Challenge 1: Create a new rails app with a static home page

  • Challenge 2: Install Devise

  • Challenge 3: Make it pretty with Bootstrap

  • Challenge 4: Add pages to create and look at individual posts

  • Challenge 5: Make a posts index page

  • Challenge 6: Add replying

  • Challenge 7: Inline replying on a post

  • Challenge ∞: Other features of your choice

Each time you get your app into a functional state, before adding any more features, COMMIT TO GIT! The new features will probably break things, which is neat, but you’ll want to be able to roll back to a prior version if necessary.


We called the sections challenges because they are challenging! This curriculum will be most fun as a collaboration — talk things through with your teacher, TAs, and other students. This is a very different style of curriculum than Suggestotron, so don’t be discouraged if you aren’t quite sure what to do next.