- 1
you are offline when i am online
#535 opened by leofratu - 0
- 3
ERROR: Requirements have not been satisfied properly. Please look at the README file for configuration instructions. If you still cannot resolve this error, please submit an issue here: Details: No module named 'nmap'
#532 opened by aklc9210 - 0
Hi, I have problem when run
#531 opened by aklc9210 - 0
- 0
#529 opened by HawkAve - 0
- 1
ERROR: Details: No module named '_ctypes'
#525 opened by NorClub - 0
ERROR: Failed building wheel for netifaces
#527 opened by XP47JSuperbolt - 1
No module named 'scapy'
#526 opened by shafeenyousafzaii - 1
Doesn't work
#522 opened by darias08 - 0
ValueError: ('illegal netmask value', '0x0')
#524 opened by qzpzp - 1
ERROR: It seems that you are offline. Please check your internet connection.
#513 opened by cyb3rspace - 1
How to undo?
#501 opened by littlepig453 - 0
after i used bettercap to see the hosts i found that kickthemout doesnt show a few hosts
#523 opened by reda111111 - 2
Doesn't work.
#520 opened by Mina93-min - 0
#521 opened by sweetykomal - 3
Network scanning fails. I using void linux and it not very different from arch linux except for the init system.
#517 opened by Juggernaut-Coder - 0
Offline Error + Spoofing does nothing
#482 opened by matttMP - 1
- 1
- 0
- 4
Always says I am offline even if I am online and sometimes it shows and error
#496 opened by scratchusernamemrtbts - 2
- 0
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
#515 opened by skjose0705 - 1
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
#507 opened by Mus90YT - 1
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence
#506 opened by Mus90YT - 1
ValueError: max() arg is an empty sequence怎么解决
#510 opened by cdd300 - 1
it looks like it's off the net
#498 opened by lilnecati - 2
No module named 'nmap'
#483 opened by samarth-23 - 0
Gateway IP could not be obtained
#508 opened by Mus90YT - 1
Can't open
#493 opened by liltato69 - 0
- 1
How do you fix it and why is this?
#504 opened by Razorjawav7 - 0
Why nmap and not nectat?
#503 opened by UnixCro - 0
So i had the same problem. But the fix is simple:
#502 opened by belikethis - 3
Network scanning failed [IMG]
#499 opened by reapercreap - 0
- 5
No module named scapy.config
#481 opened by cuzimrave - 2
network scanning failed
#497 opened by AminataAliouBa - 1
Cannot find MAC and IP address
#484 opened by dippinsauce2077 - 1
Re-Arp did not work
#494 opened by 0010001000100 - 1
'nmap program was not found in path'
#495 opened by Xboxps-Gamerz - 3
- 2
Kickthemout won't start, Python Error
#492 opened by MakrelenBoss - 1
Not detecting Gateway and not scanning
#491 opened by Pumpk1in - 5
#489 opened by somnath1994123 - 0
Kickthemout command
#488 opened by ItsEnesN - 1
[Errno 2] No such file or directory: b'liblibc.a'
#487 opened by asadmucher - 0
KickThemOut Error
#480 opened by miractksl