
Lua scripts for mod menus. Game build version needed 2824

Primary LanguageLuaMIT LicenseMIT


Lua scripts for mod menus. Game build version needed 2824

How To Use

For every script there is a different use and ways to fully take advantage on other modders.

For Kiddions script is just putting the script into scripts directory, inside the Kiddions files.


I'm presenting you some Gta V Scripts.

1- A really nice Lua, complement for kiddions modding engine for Gta V.

Questions Ryze-Kiddions-GtaV:

  • The kiddions Lua is for the modding engine yall maybe know for Gta-V called "Kiddions", it is made for everyone who doesn't like to be annoyed by any type of modder, and if you want to make youre account op. This has recovery features, protection features and some Online features also.

No ETA for big updates also because i don't know actually if im going to be able to continue this script (boths) because i have a life and i need to study. This is a helpful and fun project for everyone who wants to use it, is free and you can use my script as a template.


  • Probably Stand script is going to take a little bit more than kiddions, by now, kiddions script is in stand by me <3
  • By the way to anyone who ask's about the stand script, is not entire mine, there is actually in credits every single person who i taked code from and who helped me with this.

Last Kiddions update: 2/02/2023

Last Stand update: 2/02/2023

Can't find original repo to give creds/fork. Would be glad to recognize the author/s if someone knows please contact me