
A sample repo for the product catalog and dashboard component.

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Product Catalog component

This repo is a reference for making a product and catalog component for an e-commerce site.

Tech used:

Node.js, Express.js, MongoDB, React.

To install and run:

  • Clone the repo and cd into it.
git clone https://github.com/k4u5h4L/product-catalog-component.git && cd product-catalog-component
  • Install dependencies fot both server and client.
cd client && npm install
cd ..
cd server && npm install
  • Import the JSON files in server/src/jsonData into your local mongoDB. Name the collections as catalogs and products using respective files in that folder.

  • Start the server. The default port for the server is 8000.

npm run dev
  • Now in another terminal, start the client side react server.
cd client && npm start
  • This should automatically take you to the development build. Else visit localhost:3000


website screenshot