Paging library

One of the most common ways of displaying information to users is with lists. However, sometimes these lists offer just a small window into all the content available to the user. As the user scrolls through the information that is available, there is often the expectation that more data is fetched to supplement the information that has already been seen. Each time data is fetched, it needs to be efficient and seamless so that incremental loads don't detract from the user experience. Incremental loads also offer a performance benefit, as the app does not need to hold large amounts of data in memory at once.

This process of fetching information incrementally is called pagination, where each page corresponds to a chunk of data to be fetched. To request a page, the data source being paged through often requires a query which defines the information required.

Core components of the Paging Library

The core components of the Paging library are as follows:

  • PagingSource - the base class for loading chunks of data for a specific page query. It is part of the data layer, and is typically exposed from a DataSource class and subsequently by the Repository for use in the ViewModel.

  • PagingConfig - a class that defines the parameters that determine paging behavior. This includes page size, whether placeholders are enabled, and so on.

  • Pager - a class responsible for producing the PagingData stream. It depends on the PagingSource to do this and should be created in the ViewModel.

  • PagingData - a container for paginated data. Each refresh of data will have a separate corresponding PagingData emission backed by its own PagingSource.

  • PagingDataAdapter - a RecyclerView.Adapter subclass that presents PagingData in a RecyclerView. The PagingDataAdapter can be connected to a Kotlin Flow, a LiveData, an RxJava Flowable, an RxJava Observable, or even a static list using factory methods. The PagingDataAdapter listens to internal PagingData loading events and efficiently updates the UI as pages are loaded.


When implementing pagination, we want to be confident the following conditions are met:

  • Properly handling requests for the data from the UI, ensuring that multiple requests aren't triggered at the same time for the same query.

  • Keeping a manageable amount of retrieved data in memory.

  • Triggering requests to fetch more data to supplement the data we've already fetched.

We can achieve all this with a PagingSource. A PagingSource defines the source of data by specifying how to retrieve data in incremental chunks. The PagingData object then pulls data from the PagingSource in response to loading hints that are generated as the user scrolls in a RecyclerView.

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Define a data source

The first step is to define a PagingSource implementation to identify the data source. The PagingSource API class includes the load() method, which you must override to indicate how to retrieve paged data from the corresponding data source.

Use the PagingSource class directly to use Kotlin coroutines for async loading.

Select key and value types

PagingSource<Key, Value> has two type parameters: Key and Value. The key defines the identifier used to load the data, and the value is the type of the data itself. For example, if you load pages of User objects from the network by passing Int page numbers to Retrofit, you would select Int as the Key type and User as the Value type.

Define the PagingSource

Define the PagingSource

Remote Mediator

The main role of RemoteMediator is to load more data from the network when either the Pager runs out of data or the existing data is invalidated. It includes a load() method that you must override to define the loading behavior.

A typical RemoteMediator implementation includes the following parameters:

  • query: A query string defining which data to retrieve from the backend service.
  • database: The Room database that serves as a local cache.
  • networkService: An API instance for the backend service.

Create a RemoteMediator<Key, Value> implementation. The Key type and the Value type should be the same as they would be if you were defining a PagingSource against the same network data source.