
CircuitPython code to light up Neopixels when proximity changes

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


CircuitPython code to light up Neopixels when proximity changes as read from a time-of-flight ranging sensor.

Necessary parts

Connect the following with STEMMA QT cable:

  • STEMMA QT board running CircuitPython 9
  • VL53L1X Time-of-Flight ranging sensor
  • String of NeoPixels (60 by default) to pin D2 (customize this on line 26)

How it works

  1. The on-board NeoPixel will cycle the rainbow to indicate the board is working
  2. Distances will be read from the time-of-flight sensor via I2C
  3. When the standard deviation of distance measurements passes a threshhold, the lights will turn on
  4. When the standard deviation zeros out, the lights remain on for 10 seconds and then turn off


The following files should live in lib/ and be appropriate for the version of CircuitPython you are using:


This code is released under the MIT License