

carthage update --platform iOS



  1. Add the R.swift.Library to your project

  2. Download a R.swift release, unzip it and put it into your source root directory

  3. In Xcode: Click on your project in the file list, choose your target under TARGETS, click the Build Phases tab and add a New Run Script Phase by clicking the little plus icon in the top left

  4. Drag the new Run Script phase above the Compile Sources phase, expand it and paste the following script:

    "$SRCROOT/rswift" generate "$SRCROOT/R.generated.swift"
  5. Add $TEMP_DIR/rswift-lastrun to the "Input Files" and $SRCROOT/R.generated.swift to the "Output Files" of the Build Phase

  6. Build your project, in Finder you will now see a R.generated.swift in the $SRCROOT-folder, drag the R.generated.swift files into your project and uncheck Copy items if needed

Screenshot of the Build Phase can be found here