Hey new SEI grad,
Congrats on finishing, it's a huge accomplishment, and you're going to do awesome things in the field. That being said, the last 12 weeks were just the beginning. Now it's your turn to learn even more. You don't need to learn all of this, by any means, but hopefully you'll find some of the below resources interesting.
- CodeNewbie
- BaseCS
- React Podcast
- SyntaxFM
- Ladybug
- Command Line Heroes
- Chats with Kent
- Hanselminutes
- Developer Tea
- Smashing Magazine
- CSS Tricks
- Emma Wedekind
- Sarah Drasner
- A re-introduction to JavaScript
- JavaScript30
- My Stuff
- Become a Front-End Master in 2020 With These 10 Project Ideas
- 9 Projects you can do to become a Frontend Master in 2020
Also, find programming events in your city if possible -- networking there will be so helpful.
Keep learning and building cool stuff ❤️