
Install docsify-cli via npm globally.

npm i docsify-cli -g


init command

Use init to generate your docs.

docsify init <path> [--local false] [--theme vue]

# docsify i <path> [--local false] [--theme vue]

<path> defaults to the current directory. Use relative paths like ./docs (or docs).

  • --local option:
    • Shorthand: -l
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
    • Description: Copy docsify files to the docs path, defaults to false using as the content delivery network (CDN). To explicitly set this option to false use --no-local.
  • --theme option:
    • Shorthand: -t
    • Type: string
    • Default: vue
    • Description: Choose a theme, defaults to vue, other choices are buble, dark and pure.

serve command

Run a server on localhost with livereload.

docsify serve <path> [--open false] [--port 3000]

# docsify s <path> [--open false] [--port 3000]
  • --open option:
    • Shorthand: -o
    • Type: boolean
    • Default: false
    • Description: Open the docs in the default browser, defaults to false. To explicitly set this option to false use --no-open.
  • --port option:
    • Shorthand: -p
    • Type: number
    • Default: 3000
    • Description: Choose a listen port, defaults to 3000.
