
Working man's genetic algorithm module in Go

Primary LanguageGoOtherNOASSERTION


This library is meant to be an easy-to-use library for optimization using genetic algorithms.


  • Models + tests
  • Optimization functions + tests
  • Optimization tuner (rough first pass/experimental)
  • Optional optimization hook called per-generation
  • Neural network structs
  • Neural network training and evolution algorithms
  • Regression models


The general concept with a genetic algorithm is to evaluate a population for fitness (an arbitrary metric) and use fitness, recombination, and Mutation to drive evolution toward a more optimal result. In this simple library, the genetic material is a sequence of T Ordered, and it is organized into the following hierarchy:

  • type Gene[T Ordered] struct contains bases (T)
  • type Nucleosome[T Ordered] struct contains Gene[T]s
  • type Chromosome[T Ordered] struct contains Nucleosome[T]s
  • type Genome[T Ordered] struct contains Chromosome[T]s
  • type Code[T Ordered] struct is a wrapper that contains an Option for each above type

Each of these classes except Code[T] has a Name string attribute to identify the genetic material and a Mu sync.RWMutex for safe concurrent operations. The names can be generated as random alphanumeric strings if not supplied in the relevant instantiation statements.

There are functions for creating randomized instances of each:

  • func MakeGeneMakeGene[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Gene[T], error)
  • func MakeNucleosome[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Nucleosome[T], error)
  • func MakeChromosome[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Chromosome[T], error)
  • func MakeGenome[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Genome[T], error)

And there is a type that combines a Code[T] with a fitness Score float64:

  • type ScoredCode[T Ordered] struct

There is one optimization function available currently:

  • func Optimize[T Ordered](params OptimizationParams[T]]) (int, []ScoredCode[T], error)

And there are two functions available for tuning optimizations given an OptimizationParams instance:

  • func TuneOptimization[T Ordered](params OptimizationParams[T, Gene[T]], max_threads ...int) (int, error)
  • func BenchmarkOptimization[T Ordered](params OptimizationParams[T]) BenchmarkResult

The first uses the second to estimate how many goroutines should be used for optimization by benchmarking the three types of operations and calculating a ratio. (In some cases, the overhead from spinning up goroutines, heap allocation, copying data into callstacks, and using synchronization features is more costly than the Mutate and MeasureFitness functions, in which case a sequential optimization will be faster than running the optimization in parallel.)

To handle parameters, the following classes and functions are available:

  • type Option[T any] struct
  • func NewOption[T any](val ...T) Option[T]
  • type MakeOptions[T Ordered] struct
  • type RecombineOptions struct
  • type OptimizationParams[T Ordered] struct

See the Usage section below for more details.

Additionally, a simple neural network system is included:

  • type Neuron struct contains Weights []float64, Bias float64, and ActivationFunction func(float64) float64
    • func (n *Neuron) Activate(inputs []float64) float64
    • func NewNeuron(weights []float64, bias float64, activationFunc ...func(float64) float64) Neuron
  • type Layer struct contains Neurons []Neuron
    • func (l *Layer) FeedForward(inputs []float64) []float64
    • func NewLayer(weights [][]float64, biases []float64, activationFunc ...func(float64) float64) Layer
  • type Network struct contains Layers []Layer
    • func (n *Network) FeedForward(inputs []float64) []float64
    • func NewNetwork(weights [][][]float64, biases [][]float64, activationFunc ...func(float64) float64) Network

The Usage section will be updated when more useful/advanced features are added.


Installation is with go get.

go get github.com/k98kurz/bluegenes@latest

There are no external dependencies.

Functions and types

Below is a summary of the module contents and how to use them.


  • func RandomName(size int) (string, error)
  • func RandomInt(min, max int) int
  • func RandomChoices[T any](items []T, k int) []T

These randomization functions are used internally to generate randomized names and provide randomized breeeding and recombination. They can also be used in functions provided as parameters where relevant, e.g. MakeOptions.BaseFactory.

  • type Option[T any] struct
    • IsSet bool
    • val T
    • func (o Option[T]) ok() bool
  • func NewOption[T any](val ...T) Option[T]

This is a type that wraps any value used as a parameter. This is used internally because IsSet initializes as false and NewOption(val) sets it to true, making it easy to supply required params and omit optional params. For example, MakeOptions[int]{BaseFactory: NewOption(someFunc), NBases: NewOption(10)}.

  • type MakeOptions[T Ordered] struct
    • BaseFactory Option[func() T]
    • NBases Option[uint]
    • NGenes Option[uint]
    • NNucleosomes Option[uint]
    • NChromosomes Option[uint]
    • Name Option[string]

This is a type that is used for calls to Make{X}. BaseFactory and NBases are required. NGenes is required for MakeNucleosome, MakeChromosome, and MakeGenome. NNucleosomes is required for MakeChromosome and MakeGenome. NChromosomes is required for MakeGenome. Name is always optional and only applies to the top level; i.e. when calling MakeNucleosome with Name specified, only the Nucleosome will have the name, while the Genes will have random names.

  • type RecombineOptions struct
    • RecombineGenes Option[bool]
    • MatchGenes Option[bool]
    • RecombineNucleosomes Option[bool]
    • MatchNucleosomes Option[bool]
    • RecombineChromosomes Option[bool]
    • MatchChromosomes Option[bool]

This controls recombination behavior. All are opt-out; default behavior is to treat each unspecified value as true. When evolving an Nucleosome, the underlying Genes will be recombined unless RecombineGenes == NewOption(false), and they will recombine if they have matching names, if MatchGenes.IsSet is false, or if MatchGenes == NewOption(false). When evolving a Chromosome, the same logic applies regarding RecombineNucleosomes and MatchNucleosomes, and the params are also passed into the calls to Nucleosome.Recombine, so the options about gene recombination also apply. Pattern extends to recombining Genomes: the class doing the recombination checks the params before deciding whether or not to recombine the underlying subunits of genetic code.


  • type Gene[T Ordered] struct
    • Name string
    • Bases []T
    • Mu sync.RWMutex
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Copy() *Gene[T]
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Insert(index int, base T) error
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Append(base T) error
    • func (g *Gene[T]) InsertSequence(index int, sequence []T) error
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Delete(index int) error
    • func (g *Gene[T]) DeleteSequence(index int, size int) error
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Substitute(index int, base T) error
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Recombine(other *Gene[T], indices []int, options RecombineOptions) (*Gene[T], error)
    • func (g *Gene[T]) ToMap() map[string][]T
    • func (g *Gene[T]) Sequence() []T
  • func MakeGene[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Gene[T], error)
  • func GeneFromMap[T Ordered](serialized map[string][]T) *Gene[T]
  • func GeneFromSequence[T Ordered](sequence []T) *Gene[T]

The Gene represents the smallest meaningful unit of genetic code. Because it is designed for concurrent operations, it must be allocated on the heap. The sync.RWMutex provides thread safety. Copy is used to allocate a copy of the object with a new sync.RWMutex but copied values for Name and Bases. Insert, Append, InsertSequence, Delete, DeleteSequence, and Substitute are mutations that occur in biological systems. Recombine mixes the genetic material with another parent Gene and returns a child and an error if the input was bad. ToMap and GeneFromMap serialize and deserialize from a map; the idea was to enable easy JSON compatibility. Sequence and GeneFromSequence serialize and deserialize from the underlying slice of T, discarding the Name in the process.


  • type Nucleosome[T Ordered] struct
    • Name string
    • Genes []Gene[T]
    • Mu sync.RWMutex
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Copy() *Nucleosome[T]
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Insert(index int, base T) error
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Append(base T) error
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) InsertSequence(index int, sequence []T) error
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Delete(index int) error
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) DeleteSequence(index int, size int) error
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Substitute(index int, base T) error
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Recombine(other *Nucleosome[T], indices []int, options RecombineOptions) (*Nucleosome[T], error)
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) ToMap() map[string][]T
    • func (n *Nucleosome[T]) Sequence(separator []T) []T
  • func MakeNucleosome[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Nucleosome[T], error)
  • func NucleosomeFromMap[T Ordered](serialized map[string][]map[string][]T) *Nucleosome[T]
  • func NucleosomeFromSequence[T Ordered](sequence []T, separator []T) *Nucleosome[T]

The Nucleosome is a collection of related Genes. It has similar features to the Gene, with the notable difference that Genes will be separated by the supplied separator []T.


  • type Chromosome[T Ordered] struct
    • Name string
    • Nucleosomes []Nucleosome[T]
    • Mu sync.RWMutex
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Copy() *Chromosome[T]
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Insert(index int, base T) error
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Append(base T) error
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) InsertSequence(index int, sequence []T) error
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Delete(index int) error
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) DeleteSequence(index int, size int) error
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Substitute(index int, base T) error
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Recombine(other *Chromosome[T], indices []int, options RecombineOptions) (*Chromosome[T], error)
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) ToMap() map[string][]T
    • func (c *Chromosome[T]) Sequence(separator []T) []T
  • func MakeChromosome[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Chromosome[T], error)
  • func ChromosomeFromMap[T Ordered](serialized map[string][]map[string][]map[string][]T) *Chromosome[T]
  • func ChromosomeFromSequence[T Ordered](sequence []T, separator []T) *Chromosome[T]

The Chromosome is a collection of Nucleosomes, which are separated by double separator []Ts when converted to a sequence.


  • type Genome[T Ordered] struct
    • Name string
    • Chromosomes []Chromosome[T]
    • Mu sync.RWMutex
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Copy() *Genome[T]
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Insert(index int, base T) error
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Append(base T) error
    • func (g *Genome[T]) InsertSequence(index int, sequence []T) error
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Delete(index int) error
    • func (g *Genome[T]) DeleteSequence(index int, size int) error
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Substitute(index int, base T) error
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Recombine(other *Genome[T], indices []int, options RecombineOptions) (*Genome[T], error)
    • func (g *Genome[T]) ToMap() map[string][]T
    • func (g *Genome[T]) Sequence(separator []T) []T
  • func MakeGenome[T Ordered](options MakeOptions[T]) (*Genome[T], error)
  • func GenomeFromMap[T Ordered](serialized map[string][]map[string][]map[string][]map[string][]T) *Genome[T]
  • func GenomeFromSequence[T Ordered](sequence []T, separator []T) *Genome[T]

The Genome is a collection of Chromosomes, which are separated by triple separator []Ts when converted to a sequence.


  • func Optimize[T Ordered](params OptimizationParams[T]) (int, []ScoredCode[T], error)
  • type OptimizationParams[T Ordered] struct
    • MeasureFitness Option[func(Code[T]) float64]
    • Mutate Option[func(Code[T])]
    • InitialPopulation Option[[]Code[T]]
    • MaxIterations Option[int]
    • PopulationSize Option[int]
    • ParentsPerGeneration Option[int]
    • FitnessTarget Option[float64]
    • RecombinationOpts Option[RecombineOptions]
    • ParallelCount Option[int]
    • IterationHook Option[func(int, []ScoredCode[T])]

This function runs the evolutionary algorithm by scoring each member of the params.InitialPopulation using the params.MeasureFitness function, then orders them by descending Score, then breeds them at random using a weighted distribution (probability for choosing the breeder is (len(breeders)-index)/sum(len(breders)-index for all indexes i in breeders)) until the params.PopulationSize is reached, then mutates and scores every child, reorders them all by descending score, culls the bottom params.PopulationSize-params.ParentPerGeneration, then repeats steps 3-6 until either params.MaxIterations or FitnessTarget is reached. params.InitialPopulation, .MeasureFitness, and .Mutate are required; sensible defaults are set for .MaxIterations, .PopulationSize, .ParentsPerGeneration, and .FitnessTarget if they are missing.

I recommend normalizing all fitness scores to the interval [0.0, 1.0] in .MeasureFitness, e.g. 1.0 / (1.0 + total_absolute_error), for estimators and classifiers. For competitions between agents, normalization based upon the total score of all agents is not possible, so normalization should occur based upon a theoretical maximum possible score (e.g. points / max_points) or with a difficult goal/threshold (e.g. points / point_threshold); alternately, provide the point threshold in params.FitnessTarget. (.FitnessTarget defaults to 0.99).

If you want to run the optimization with parallelization, supply the params.ParallelCount as a positive int. Note that if the number of threads exceeds the population size, the number of threads will be set to half the population size (i.e. each goroutine will handle breeding, mutating, and evaluating 2 individuals).

  • type ScoredCode[T Ordered] struct
    • Code Code[T]
    • Score float64
  • type Code[T Ordered] struct
    • Gene Option[*Gene[T]]
    • Nucleosome Option[*Nucleosome[T]]
    • Chromosome Option[*Chromosome[T]]
    • Genome Option[*Genome[T]]
    • func (c Code[T]) Recombine(other Code[T], recombinationOpts RecombineOptions) Code[T]
    • func (c Code[T]) copy() Code[T]

These are used in the optimization logic and are exported for experimentation with custom optimization loops, e.g. having agents interact in an environment for a set amount of time before scoring, culling, breeding, and mutating.

  • func TuneOptimization[T Ordered](params OptimizationParams[T], max_threads ...int) (int, error)
  • func BenchmarkOptimization[T Ordered](params OptimizationParams[T]) BenchmarkResult
  • type BenchmarkResult struct
    • CostOfCopy int
    • CostOfMutate int
    • CostOfMeasureFitness int
    • CostOfIterationHook int

TuneOptimization uses BenchmarkOptimization to estimate the benefit from running an optimization problem with parallelism. There are cases where the overhead from synchronization between goroutines (and some additional heap allocation) may outweigh the costs of running the optimization sequentially. This will be useful if, for example, you want to make a forecasting model that uses the last 30 days of weather data as a training set and is reset every day; since the structure of the data and the functions for mutation and measuring fitness will be the same, it makes sense to tune the optimization at the outset and run with an optimal level of parallelization during the daily reset.

Note that this works in the broad sense that it selects parallelism for workloads that I manually determined through my own benchmarks would benefit from parallelism, but the exact number of goroutines it suggests should be taken with a grain of salt. Hence, there is an optional max_threads parameter that will clamp the upper end of its estimate. The lower bound is 1, which means no parallelism.


There are are least three ways to use this library: using an included optimization function, using a custom optimization function, and using the genetic classes as the basis for an artificial life siMulation. Below is a trivial example of how to do the first of these three.

package main

import (

var target int = 123456

// Produces a fitness score. Passed as parameter to OptimizeGene.
func measureFitness(code bluegenes.Code[int]) float64 {
    sum := 0
    if !code.Gene.Ok() {
        return 0.0
    for _, b := range code.Gene.Val.Bases {
        sum += b
    return 1.0 / (1.0 + math.Abs(float64(sum - target)))

// Mutates a gene at random. Passed as parameter to OptimizeGene.
func mutateCode(code *bluegenes.Code[int]) {
    if !code.Gene.Ok() {
	defer code.Gene.Val.Mu.Unlock()
	for i := 0; i < len(code.Gene.Val.Bases); i++ {
		val := rand.Float64()
		if val <= 0.1 {
			code.Gene.Val.Bases[i] /= bluegenes.RandomInt(1, 3)
		} else if val <= 0.2 {
			code.Gene.Val.Bases[i] *= bluegenes.RandomInt(1, 3)
		} else {
			code.Gene.Val.Bases[i] += bluegenes.RandomInt(-11, 11)

func main() {
	// Gene initialization options
	base_factory := func() int { return bluegenes.RandomInt(-10, 10) }
	opts := bluegenes.MakeOptions[int]{
		NBases:      bluegenes.NewOption(uint(5)),
		BaseFactory: bluegenes.NewOption(base_factory),

	// create initial population
	initial_population := []bluegenes.Code[int]{}
	for i := 0; i < 10; i++ {
		gene, _ := bluegenes.MakeGene(opts)
		initial_population = append(initial_population, bluegenes.Code[int]{Gene: bluegenes.NewOption(gene)})

	// optional: log each iteration
	log_iteration := func(gc int, pop []*bluegenes.ScoredCode[int]) {
		fmt.Printf("generation %d, best score %f\n", gc, pop[0].Score)

	// set up parameters
	params := bluegenes.OptimizationParams[int]{
		InitialPopulation: bluegenes.NewOption(initial_population),
		MeasureFitness:    bluegenes.NewOption(measureFitness),
		Mutate:            bluegenes.NewOption(mutateCode),
		MaxIterations:     bluegenes.NewOption(1000),

	// optional: tune the optimization; not necessary for this trivial example
	parallel_size, err := bluegenes.TuneOptimization(params)

	if err != nil {
		fmt.Println("error encountered during tuning:", err)
	} else if parallel_size > 1 {
		params.ParallelCount = bluegenes.NewOption(parallel_size)

	params.IterationHook = bluegenes.NewOption(log_iteration)

	// run optimization
	n_iterations, final_population, err := bluegenes.Optimize(params)

	best_fitness := final_population[0]
	sum := 0
	for _, b := range best_fitness.Code.Gene.Val.Bases{
		sum += b

	fmt.Printf("%d generations passed\n", n_iterations)
	fmt.Printf("the best result had sum=%d compared to target=%d\n", sum, target)

Creating custom fitness functions or artificial life simulations is left as an exercise to the reader.


To test, clone the repository and run the following:

go test -v

The following tests are included:

  • TestGene
    • MakeGene
    • Append
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • DeleteSequence
    • Insert
    • InsertSequence
    • Recombine
    • Substitute
    • ToMap
    • Sequence
  • TestNucleosome
    • MakeNucleosome
    • Append
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • DeleteSequence
    • Insert
    • InsertSequence
    • Recombine
    • Substitute
    • ToMap
    • Sequence
  • TestChromosome
    • MakeChromosome
    • Append
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • DeleteSequence
    • Insert
    • InsertSequence
    • Recombine
    • Substitute
    • ToMap
    • Sequence
  • TestGenome
    • MakeGenome
    • Append
    • Copy
    • Delete
    • DeleteSequence
    • Insert
    • InsertSequence
    • Recombine
    • Substitute
    • ToMap
    • Sequence
  • TestOptimize
    • Gene
      • parallel
      • sequential
    • Nucleosome
      • parallel
      • sequential
    • Chromosome
      • parallel
      • sequential
    • Genome
      • parallel
      • sequential
    • IterationHook
      • parallel
      • sequential
  • TestTuneOptimize
    • Gene
      • cheap
      • expensive
    • Nucleosome
      • cheap
      • expensive
    • Chromosome
      • cheap
      • expensive
    • Genome
      • cheap
      • expensive

The TestTuneOptimize/* tests take the most time as the TuneOptimization function runs three benchmarks for each of 8 tests. To run an individual test, use the following:

go test -run Test/Name -v

For example: go test -run TestTuneOptimize/Gene/cheap

ISC License

ISC License

Copyleft (c) 2023 k98kurz

Permission to use, copy, modify, and/or distribute this software for any purpose with or without fee is hereby granted, provided that the above copyleft notice and this permission notice appear in all copies.