
a technical test for candidates seeking employment at Lemon Hive as a Full Stack or Backend developer

Primary LanguagePython

Run the Project

  1. Create a python virtual environment using venv module.
    $ python39 -m venv <env name>
  2. Activate the virtual env.
  3. Clone the repository.
    $ git clone https://github.com/kBashar/lemonhive_test.git
  4. Install dependencies.
    $ pip install -r requirements.txt

5.Run the development Server

To run the development server from project root directory (lemonhive_test)

  1. set environment variable FLASK_APP to src.app:app
  2. Windows: set FLASK_APP=src.app:app
  3. Unix: export FLASK_APP=src.app:app


/config [GET]

returns a json formated data blob. This endpoint returns status 404 if there is no storage found.

    "message": "No data Found"

/config [POST]

Accepts json data. json schema is as follows:

        "firstName": str,
        "secondName": str,
        "ageInYears": int,
        "address": str,
        "creditScore": float

If valid a success message is sent back.

        "message": "success"

If POSTed data is invalid the endpoint will return error status 400.

        "message":"Data format Invalid"

Run tests

To run tests inside the root directory simplyrun

    $ pytest

Schema Verification

We use jsonschema library for json data validation. Upon getting a POST request in /config route, data is validated in validate_data function. This function depends on jsonchema library to validate a json data input. If the data is invalid the library raises a ValidationError exception. And the function returns False. Else if there is no error the function return True.