I'm not maintining this project anymore. Feel free to fork it or use RiotSharp.
Portable C# Library for League of Legends API
PM> Install-Package Remake.PortableLeagueAPI
var leagueAPI = new LeagueApi("YOUR API KEY HERE", RegionEnum.Euw, true);
var summoner = await leagueAPI.Summoner.GetSummonerByNameAsync("TuC Ølen");
var recentGames = await summoner.GetRecentGamesAsync();
var item = await leagueAPI.Static.GetItemsAsync(
languageCode: LanguageEnum.French);
var imageUrl = await item.Image.GetUrlAsync();
Note : By default the library doesn't check for the rate limit. But if you want to wait when you reach it, set the third parameter in the LeagueAPI constructor to true.
- If your visual studio puts in red some methods from the API. Please, unload and reload your project from the solution.
- If something doesn't work or isn't up to date. Please, check if there is any available updates on NuGet. If it still doesn't work, create an issue.
This product is not endorsed, certified or otherwise approved in any way by Riot Games, Inc. or any of its affiliates.
Do not hesitate to reach me on twitter @kRapaille or by mail